Oh Angelina Jolie's Deadly Disease ...

By popbytes

Oh Angelina Jolie's Deadly Disease ...

good evening! oh yes it's the latest cover of **national enquirer** (a little earlier than normal!) which is still harping all over angelina jolie...this time they've pegged her with some kind of horrible deadly disease - oi vey! at least they've added a positive spin to the tale with adding in that sexy partner of hers brad pitt is coming to her rescue! i think everything is quite honky dory with the couple right now - just today ms. jolie filed papers in court to have her new son's name changed from pax thien jolie to pax thien jolie-pitt!

on that whole alec baldwin nasty voicemail - lordy that whole thing is a mess! i hope him and lady kim basinger are able to settle things soon - damn that's one fucked up situation! (poor ireland) then there's katie couric who i could take or leave - i've never been a huge fan (i live for diane sawyer & barbara walters!) and obviously this tabloid has it out for ms. couric - she's been featured on the cover a number of times! i do have a sinking feeling that her evening news gig at CBS won't work out in the end...and my gal kelly ripa would be a dumbass if she left her morning show - that's a pretty sweet gig!

i've totally saved the best for last (oh vanessa williams) there's a new scandal involving american idol hopeful sanjaya malakar's mother - who was apparently busted for growing 300 marijuana plants! with his whole peaceful hippie vibe - i'm not surprised at all! gosh i wonder what variety of weed she was growing? such a shame when someone gets caught for that - oh yes i'm all for legalization of sweet sweet mary jane! (everyone should have a toke now & again) popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!

PS oh my gosh! will rosie o'donnell announce tomorrow on the view that she's leaving the show?!? whatever you may think of her - she did bring ratings and a ton of visibility to the show! i'm a little stunned about this is...if it's true!

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