New Movie New Baby for Naomi Watts


New Movie New Baby for Naomi Watts
New Movie New Baby for Naomi Watts

Oscar-nominated actress Naomi Watts has been called “the best” by actor-director Sean Penn and now the Aussie beauty is starring in an edgy thriller from director David Cronenberg called “Eastern Promises.”

Watts said she enjoyed working with Cronenberg and co-star Viggo Mortensen.

“I think people should see it just for his performance alone,” she said of Mortensen on “Good Morning America” today.

The film opens in limited release Sept. 14 and nationwide Sept. 21.

In the movie, Watts’ character finds herself entangled in the world of young girl trafficking in London. The film also deals with pregnancy, so Watts began studying heavily about women and childbirth.

And then, just two weeks into shooting, Watts learned she would be a mother.

“It was funny because I was reading these books [on childbirth] and then hiding these books because I didn’t want anyone to know I was pregnant,” she said.

First-Time Mother
Watts said during her research she learned the act of giving birth may be difficult for her.

“I was thinking, ‘Oh my God. This is going to be a hard thing for me if I ever get there,’” she said.

She did get there, giving birth six weeks ago to her son, Alexander Pete Schreiber. He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces, according to The Associated Press. The 38-year-old first-time mother welcomed the infant along with her partner, 39-year-old actor Liev Schreiber.

Like almost every parent, Watts said she adores her infant and thinks he’s the best.

“He’s a fantastic baby. He’s just gorgeous,” she said.

And though she’s only been a parent for a short time, Watts said she still has difficulty believing she gave birth.

“I just can’t get over that six weeks ago this little person was in my body,” she said. “It’s such a powerful experience, and each day it gets more and more powerful.”

(Via New Movie, New Baby for ...)

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