Minis Hit the High St ...


Minis Hit the High St ...
Minis Hit the High St ...

Woman be afraid, be very afraid...the mini is going nowhere soon! Of course if you have the legs of a gazelle then you can easily laugh in the face of fear. However, if you've been been hiding your pasty pins behind 70 deniers the entire winter long, these words apply to you; exfoliate, shave, fake tan, platform wedges. Now you've got that out the way you can get hold of one of these numbers. Spring, here we come...





1. Browns 'Acne Jeans' skinny mini dress, £100 2. Betsey Johnsonleopard mini dress, $295 3. Forever21 Plaid Shorts, $17.80 **4.**Topshop geo print skirt, £25

Mini trend | How short is to short?

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