


I have to admit,I love Martha Stewart, her creativity, the way she makes everything and anything look so elegant and classic...I wish I embodied half of what she has! As I said in an earlier post I'm lucky that my roommate/MOH loves watching wedding shows and also loves Martha Stewart, because she finds some great shows for me to watch!

Tonight while waiting for House to start my roommate found Martha Stewart Living: The Art of Weddings: Cakes, It turns out that Style network has "I-DO Tuesdays", so if you are ever lacking something to do on Tuesday night, I recommend tuning in.

There were two cake designers that I wanted to share with you, one was Florian Bellanger , who bakes traditional french wedding cakes called Croquembouche. I wouldn't want this as my wedding cake, but watching it being made was amazing. The time and effort that went into the cake-- I also learned that the tradition of wedding cake started when it was thought to be good luck for the guests to break bread over the brides head in hopes of giving her good luck with fertility..this evolved into the bride and groom kissing over a pile of bread, and then eventually the tiered wedding cake. This is what Croquembouche looks like, unfortunately I couldn't find Florians amazing creating, but here is an idea :

Another Baker that was featured on the special was Ron Ben-Israel Cakes . These cakes, unfortunately way out of my price range,are amazing masterpieces! Watching him make the sugar flowers was amazing, the way he Airbrushed the color to perfection was like watching a flower come to life. Here are a couple of his amazing creations, feel free to salivate-

^ All of those flowers are Sugar flowers!

^ These are just a few I highly recommend checking out the website...just to drool :) And I also highly recommend watching In style!

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