Married Ladies Blog

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Married Ladies Blog

By DeBorah M. Hamilton-Levy

located at

Hey, Married Ladies!

This is my first blog that I am publishing... so I wanted to start a blog about marriage, especially second marriages and beyond... so let's give this blogging thing a try!

I know that many of us are married, or have been married, some more than once. Every marriage brings with it it's own set of, let's say issues, circumstances, problems, challenges (yes, that's a better word).

If this is your second marriage or beyond, I am sure that there are challenges within this union, which are entirely different from your previous marriage. No two people are alike, therefore, no two marriages are alike.

I would like for this blog to be a forum where we can share marriage bliss and woes alike...LOL

I would like for us to share, help and encourage each other.
Let's give it a try starting with these questions.**

What are some of the issues/challenges that you are dealing with, whether it is your first, second or beyond?

What are some of your successes?

What about those of you in "blended" marriages? How does your hubby get along with your children, and visa versa?

If he has children, how do you get along with them and visa versa?

What are some things that you and your hubby are doing to help with the smooth "blending" of your families?

Well, I guess this is enough to get us started. Let's blog!

Lady D

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