Lindsay Lohans Lousy Boyfriend


Lindsay Lohans Lousy Boyfriend
Lindsay Lohans Lousy Boyfriend

As unrepentant retail junky Lindsay Lohan assuredly knows, you get what you pay for. So seems the case with her longest-lasting rehab conquest, Riley Giles. And nothing weeds out the losers like a mandatory family holiday. When LiLo dragged the shaggy snowboarder across the country for a Long Island Thanksgiving, Riley failed miserably, reports the New York Post’s Page Six.

Although Riley deigned to have Turkey Day dinner with the Lohans, he couldn’t be bothered to hang around the house. “Riley was not very well behaved when he came back to New York with Lindsay,” Lindsay’s friend told Page Six. “He was out every night without her, and I’m not sure how much longer that relationship is going to last.”

Indeed, the dude who dumped his fiancée after hooking up with Lindsay at Utah’s Cirque Lodge spent the holiday evenings partying NYC-style without her. While Riley slept in, LiLo and her little sis Ali kept themselves occupied with a Fifth Avenue shopping spree.

On another Riley-absent occasion, LiLo, Ali, their reality-show mom and ex-con pops attended a family therapy session. Apparently working hard on her outpatient therapy, “Lindsay is trying to fill her time with nondrinking and nonpartying activities,” another Lohan friend told Page Six.

No news yet on what Riley’s doing to stay clean.

(Via Lindsay Lohan’s lousy boyfriend)

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