Lindsay Dad Reunited and It Feels "Amazing" ...


Lindsay Dad Reunited and It Feels "Amazing" ...
Lindsay Dad Reunited and It Feels "Amazing" ...

With each having stared down their demons in recent months, Lindsay Lohan and her estranged father took their first steps toward patching an often rocky relationship.

Michael Lohan traveled to Utah Thursday to visit his 21-year-old daughter, who greeted him in the parking lot of the Cirque Lodge rehabilitation center.

“The moment Lindsay saw Michael, she started running and jumped into her father’s arms,” says an eyewitness to the reunion. “Her father hugged her and swung her around. Lindsay was so happy. It was very emotional.”

Michael, who hasn’t seen Lindsay in about three years, spent several hours with his daughter, catching up and trying to heal old wounds, a source at Cirque Lodge confirmed to E! Online.

Reached for comment after the Thursday afternoon visit, Michael, normally very chatty with the press, refused to reveal any details.
But the Lohan patriarch was clearly overjoyed.

“I can’t comment on my relationship with my daughter,” he said. “But [the reunion] was amazing.”

A recovering addict, who spent two years in prison on a variety of charges before getting out in March, Michael has voiced support for his firstborn, who is in her third rehab stint this year and faces her own time behind bars on drunken-diving and cocaine charges.

The elder Lohan, finalized his acrimonious divorce from Lindsay’s mom, Dina, last month.

He is making up for the time he missed during Cirque’s Family Week, when the facility normally allows relatives to visit. Michael said Dina never told him about the visiting days, so the rehab is making an exception to allow him to visit this week.

More visits are planned for the week. Michael, who had to get permission from his probation officer to leave his home state and visit his daughter in Utah, plans to stay until Saturday.

(Via Breaking Celeb News, Entertainment News, ...)

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