Katie Holmes Caught W Her Escape Plans

By popbytes

Katie Holmes Caught W Her Escape Plans

hey everyone! below as per usual you'll find the latest cover of **STAR** magazine which is all about tomkat - normally i like to be on the positive side but dudes this is one couple that needs to split up! tom cruise is just plain weird - i heard something on the radio the other day about mr. cruise meeting justin timberlake - tom went on & on about how much he loved JT's music and by the end of the conversation mr. timberlake was apparently uncomfortable - yikes - not good times!

if you were katie holmes would you dig the fact your husband made justin feel all weird?!? holy shit - i'd have an escape plan too! girlfriend must be so jealous of way cool moms like gwen stefani who fucking rocks my popbytes world - gosh i love her! she was adorable tonight on american idol (oh yes there'll be a post on sanjaya's shitty mohawk hair & performance shortly!) if kat(i)e does in fact 'escape' (with adorable baby suri**in tow) from tom - she so needs to do a film version of **rapunzel directed by the likes of quentin tarantino or darren aronofsky - that would/could be so hot! i can't wait to see how the whole cruise-holmes partnership lasts - popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!

PS i know why britney spears' babies are afraid of her - it's those damn color contacts - wrong wrong wrong! i've never approved of anyone wearing 'em - they never look right and always freak me out! (btw i have no comment on the angelina jolie story located in the upper left corner)

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