It's on Jordan Vs. Posh Spice


Ooh! Girl Fight! Rawr! Scratch! Hiss!

JORDAN has reignited her feud with Victoria Beckham in her first major US TV interview.

The busty model took a swipe at her rival as she promoted her reality series with hubby Peter Andre on showbiz programme Extras, screened across America last night.

At first she acted dumb when asked about Posh and Becks - also in Los Angeles promoting their own US reality TV show - saying: "Who?"

Andre added quickly: "I might as well say it, she is better looking than Victoria, but I’m not as good looking as David."

But catty Jordan, 29, butted in: "It’s not hard to be better looking than her, is it really?"

Later she huffed: "She’s just a footballer’s wife and Pete and I are still individuals."

Their rivalry goes back to 2000 when Jordan accused Posh, 32, of scuppering her relationship with singer Dane Bowers.

Posh hit back calling Jordan - real name Katie Price - "vile" and singing "Who let the dogs out?"

Let’s be real here - Jordan could snap that twiggy biyatch in half without even blinking. CAGE MATCH!

Who would win in a fight: Katie "Jordan" Price or Victoria Beckham?


Posh Spice!

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Tags: jordan, katie price, posh spice

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