How Will You Spread the Word? Let Us Know and WIN


How Will You Spread the Word? Let Us Know and WIN
How Will You Spread the Word? Let Us Know and WIN

In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, IonLoop® is serious about finding a cure — for every pink ribbon IonLoop® bracelet sold, they’ll donate $1 to breast cancer research initiatives. And if you tell us how you’re observing National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, you could win a set of IonLoop® bracelets!

If you’re not familiar with IonLoop® bracelets, they use negative ion technology to combat the harmful positive ions in the technology we use every day: computers, cell phones, fluorescent lights, and such. They help fitness-minded folks by balancing out the positive ions in the lactic acid our muscles produce during strenuous workouts. But aside from being incredibly high-tech and utterly cool, they’re also stylish, and come in a range of colors and styles. One of my favorite styles is the pink ribbon bracelet and the hot pink one, too — both can be worn in recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And that’s actually the point of the pink ribbon IonLoop® bracelet! For every bracelet sold, IonLoop® will donate one dollar to fund breast cancer research… can you think of a better way to observe National Breast Cancer Awareness Month? In fact, we’d love to hear how you plan to spend your October, especially the bit about breast cancer awareness… and if you tell us, you could win one of six sets of these fab IonLoop® bracelets.

Planning a walk-a-thon? Getting your first mammogram? Wearing a cute pink tee to spread awareness on campus? Let us know, down below! We’ll choose our lucky winners in a week, so get to posting!

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I'm a local a singer and to spread awareness by doing benefit gigs & giving a portion of my profits to the Cancer Foundation, also always have a jar for people to donate to the cause. (:

I am going to be attending an I <3 Boobs party with my sister at her college. There is a $5 cover charge. The entire cover charge and half the money from drinks are being donated to breast cancer awareness awareness. Everyone has to wear pink and there is a contest to win the title of I <3 Boobs King and Queen.

OMG, I am definitely going to be wearing all of my pink things this month~! I'm planning to get my friends to join and then march around the school yelling "Support finding to cure for breast cancer!"!! :D These bracelets would be so cool to have~! And thanks for giving me an excuse to wear pink everyday!

For October I intend on wearing as much breast cancer awareness clothing I have. I also have a 1" silicone bracelet that says "Fight like a girl!" Not only will I be wearing clothes that support reasearch, I also eat a TON of yoplait yogurt, so I'm buying and eating the yoplait yogurts that have the breast cancer tops. The yogurts have a code on the top of the lids that donate $.10 for every one lid you turn in. From September first to now, all of the codes I have plugged in from the lids, have donated $1.90. And I still have more!

i am going to inform all of my friends and post to every facebook page and write a blog about the breast cancer awareness month.

Breast cancer is such an awful disease which kills so many women, and yet so many can be saved, if they only followed the suggested preventive measures, like self examinations and mammograms. I am contributing to this great cause by donating funds towards a "Pig Roast" event planned by a local Breast Cancer Survivors Group, as a fund raiser, and saving specially marked pink lids from Yoplait Yogurt, which will be cashed in for 10 cents donation,per lid, by Yoplait.

I have an aunt who was diagnosed with breast cancer about 15 years ago. She got tested early and we still have her here today :) For breast cancer awareness month I got most of my family to make appointments for mamogramms. I plan to use facebook to spread messages about how important it is to get tested. And I am planning to collect as many yoplait lids as I can because every penny used on research counts to find a cure for this horrible disease. And last, I raided my closet and found as much pink as I could and for the month Ill be wearing my favorite pink boy and any thing pink i found to match!

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