Hello Kitty Enters Cartoon Bride Market ...


Hello Kitty Enters Cartoon Bride Market ...
Hello Kitty Enters Cartoon Bride Market ...

Filed under: Accessories, Jewelry, High-end threads, Designers, Celebrity Style

Cartoon-inspired bridal wear is apparently an industry on the rise. You probably noticed the release of Disney's new bridal collection, as it's been plastered all over the Internet the last couple of days (I posted about the story here a couple months ago), but the real news is that there's another player on the scene: Hello Kitty.

Before I get into this, let me get something off my chest. I have a 2 1/2 year-old daughter, so my life is literally bombarded with Hello Kitty everything -- shoes, sunglasses, lunch boxes, sippy cups, shirts, etc., etc., etc.... Subsequently, I hate that little fur ball.

But even if I didn't, I'm not sure I could bring myself to believe that any self-respecting bride would wear jewelry featuring annoying cartoon characters as she walked down the aisle. Nevertheless, news from Fashionista.com is that "The favored jeweler of Cameron Diaz created over fifty pink and pearl pieces, intended for weddings and starring a special cartoon of Hello Kitty where she's decked in a wedding veil the color of lipgloss."

Ugh. I just keep looking at it asking: seriously?
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