Globe Watch...a Week Later Better than Never ...


Globe Watch...a Week Later Better than Never ...
Globe Watch...a Week Later Better than Never ...

I found myself putting off a Golden Globes post because it was really kind of dull. Lots of people I waited to see, all dressed pretty much the same...SAFE. Safe colors, safe hair, safe makeup, safe everything. And the few that didn't play safe didn't hit the mark (Cate and Cameron), or looked as if someone at the Foreign Press office thought it would be funny to slip in a note, "Dress to impress in your toga best".
Anyway, that said, here is my roundup...

The good ...

Drew Barrymore, Jessica Biel, and Yunjin Kim

Reese Witherspoon, Mary Lynn Rajskub, and Rachel Weisz

Drew Barrymore has never looked better. Softness suits her, and finally she looks like a grown-up, not some 12 year old rooting around in her mommy's closet.

Jessica Biel found J-Lo's booty, and was working it well. She looked awesome. The only accessory missing was a #2 guy...but maybe pinstripes clashed with the red carpet. I thought Yunjin Kim looked fantastic. Her dress is so simple, and I thought amidst all the matronly up-dos her simple straight hair was great.

Reese was, as always, perfect, and defnitely made up for wearing used vintage. Love the length, the color, and the red acsessories...totally inspired.

Mary Lynn Rajskub looked great, I loved seeing Chloe all glammed up - but did she have a footwear malfunction? What is that in her hand? Did she pick Rink Kikui's dress?

Lastly, Rachel Weisz looked great in red...who would believe she had a baby, what was it?...6 months ago?

The bad ...

Vanessa Williams, Rinko Kikuchi, and Julia Louis Dreyfuss

Patricia Arquette, Cameron Diaz, and Courtney Cox

What can we say about the bad? That they did it so well?
Vanessa Williams is such a beautiful woman and having such a great year, but that hair? Totally Ugly Vanessa. I kept expecting it to turn into snakes and freeze Joan Rivers.

Rinko Kinkui gets props for the most likely to be the Asian Bjork. I couldn't decide, was it a neglige? Was it an homage to wilted flowers everywhere? Don't get me started on the hair...

As if anyone needed proof that yellow is a hard color to wear Julia Louis Dreyfus offers some up. Even on it's own the dress was ugly. Somewhere a stylist won a bet for convincing someone to wear that on the red carpet.

Patricia Arquette is another lady in need of a good stylist. The dress is bad, and doesn't fit. The hair is bad, the makeup bad...not that her sister Rosanna was better. They both have a tendency towards the draggy.

I'm sure plenty of people will disagree and call it edgy, or fashion, but I thought Cameron Diaz's dress was horrid. It looked very Bride of Chucky to me. The sloppy "I don't care" hair didn't help any, nor did the black ribbon which looked like a schmata. Actuially the whole dress looked like a schmata.

Last on the Not list is Courtney Cox...Arquette by marriage. Maybe being an Arquette sucks the taste level right out of you but I thought this dress looked sloppy and old. I did like her hair though.

Stay tuned for part 2 of Globe Watch for the evenings real oddities...

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