17 choses que les femmes font qui sont involontairement sexy...

Women are sexy. Furthermore, we're sexy in all kinds of ways. Every woman, in fact, is sexy in her own way, every woman defines sexiness in her own way, and every woman exhibits sexiness in her own way. There are quite a few things women do that are unintentionally sexy, though. That's how sexy we are – we're sexy without even trying, without even knowing that we're sexy. The next time you're feeling less than amazing, the next time you're doubting that you're a sensual, passionate, gorgeous creature, remember that the things that come naturally to you are probably your sexiest attributes.

1. ayant un sens de l’humour

Having a Sense of Humor There is nothing sexier than making someone laugh. You might have a ribald sense of humor, a sharp and witty one, or a low-key, dry sense of humor – whatever it is, it's hot.

2. Being Optimistic

Being Optimistic Peut confirmer, même si c’est purement anecdotique. Je suis habituellement la fille plus pessimiste jamais, et dans les rares occasions, que je suis optimiste pour quelque chose, Heather pense qu’elle est sexy comme l’enfer.

3. Loving Your Body

Loving Your Body Love your curves, your straight lines, your sharp angles, your soft edges. Love your scars, your stretch marks, your best features, and your problem areas.

4. Spotlighting Your Brilliance

Spotlighting Your Brilliance Showing off your intelligence is so sexy. I don't mean being a show-off or a know-it-all or anything, but whatever because when you're smart and you're right, someone will always think you're being pretentious. Screw 'em. Never hold back your intelligence. Never be ashamed of how smart you are.

5. The Turn Away Hair Flick

The Turn Away Hair Flick All right, this one's a little shallow, but it's something most of us do, even if we have short hair, and there definitely is something sexy about it.

6. Biting Your Lower Lip

Biting Your Lower Lip To be fair, it's sexy when anyone does this.

7. A Yawn or a Stretch in Bed

A Yawn or a Stretch in Bed Same. Seeing someone you like, desire, or love looking all languid and relaxed in bed is … yum.

8. Your Glasses

Your Glasses Hopefully, you know this. If you're still at the stage where you worry that your glasses are unflattering, let me tell you this: they're not. They're so cute.

9. When Your Head Fits Perfectly under Her or His Chin

When Your Head Fits Perfectly under Her or His Chin See? Totally unintentional, but the way you fit with your lover is just special – and so sexy.

10. Blushing

Blushing It feels awful while you're doing it, doesn't? But apparently it's pretty adorable!

11. Standing on Your Toes to Reach Something

Standing on Your Toes to Reach Something APPARENTLY THIS IS SEXY, TOO. Or so I'm told every time Heather catches me up on my tiptoes, trying to use BBQ tongs to reach something on the top shelf.

12. Adjusting Your Skirt a Little Bit

Adjusting Your Skirt a Little Bit Good to know that the fear of flashing panty or walking around with our skirt stuck to the backs of our thighs is sexy.

13. The PJ Look

The PJ Look I'm damn glad to know this because I basically wear pajamas all day long. Take a shower, change into new pajamas, the cycle continues.

14. A Simple Touch to the Chest

A Simple Touch to the Chest Sometimes, the simple, natural gestures are the sexiest.

15. The Eyes Have It All

The Eyes Have It All Of course, they do.

16. Sweat Pants and a Ponytail

Sweat Pants and a Ponytail Actually, any time you're completely comfortable in what you're wearing, it's sexy.

17. When You Get Slightly Mad

When You Get Slightly Mad Also good to know. I'm not necessarily slightly angry all the time or anything, but my face makes it look like I am.

You're sexy when you smile, when you open yourself up, and when you simply exist as yourself, happy and contented with the skin you're in.

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