Aucun doute, que vous avez probablement entendu parler de toutes les choses merveilleuses que l'huile de noix de coco ne peut faire pour vous. En plus de l'utiliser dans votre cuisine, il y a tout un tas d'utilisations de beauté pour elle aussi. En incorporant l'huile de coco dans votre routine de beauté, vous pouvez facilement regarder et sentir le mieux possible sans avoir à dépenser une tonne d'argent ou de temps. Voici tous les meilleures façons de vous rendre plus jolie avec un bocal d'huile de coco. C'est facile et amusant !
1. huile de coco fait un masque de cheveux exceptionnelle
If your hair is lacking the shine and luster you want, coconut oil is the magic cure. It needs to be softened to a liquid, which you can do by bringing the jar into the shower with you. Once soft, apply the oil to your hair and massage it throughout. Twist your hair into a bun and let the oil sit for about 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
2. ajouter de l'humidité dans la peau sèche
Coconut oil is a great moisturizer and you can apply it in solid form to any of the skin on your body. Simply scoop up a generous amount and then massage it into our entire body. You’ll want to do this right after a shower when your skin is still damp. Be sure to rub it in completely so that the oil doesn’t transfer to your clothes when you get dressed.
3. Get Rid of Puffy, Dark Circles under Your Eyes
No one wants to wake up to dark baggy eyes, but we also hate having to spend a ton of money on creams to fix the problem. Turns out you can save those dollars and use a pinch of warmed coconut oil instead. Rub a small dab between your fingers and pat it into the skin under your eyes. You’re going to love the results!
4. guérir les lèvres gercées endoloris, feuilletées
Huile de coco est l'un des meilleurs baumes à lèvres que vous utiliserez jamais. Je voudrais l'appliquer pendant la nuit avant d'aller au lit afin que je peux réveiller à lèvres lisses, hydratées tous les matins. Utilisez votre doigt pour ramasser un peu d'huile de coco solide et appliquer généreusement sur vos lèvres. Vous pouvez le faire aussi souvent que nécessaire pour guérir et apaiser un kisser gercée.
5. Use Coconut Oil to Make a Body Scrub
Regular exfoliation is necessary to keep your skin clean and healthy. It helps remove built up products, dirt, grime and bacteria from your pores, helping keep breakouts and blemishes at bay. Combine equal amounts liquid coconut oil and white sugar and use the mixture in the shower to gently exfoliate your entire body. You’ll be amazed at how smooth and fresh your skin feels when you get out.
6. Treat Eczema with Coconut Oil and Oatmeal
Make a homemade remedy for eczema by blending oats into a fine powder and combining them with liquid coconut oil. Let the mixture harden, then rub it into your eczema prone skin several times per day. The oats alleviate itching and coconut oil helps control the symptoms of eczema. It really works!
7. Get Your Cuticles and Fingernails into Tip Top Shape
Rub coconut oil into your fingernails and cuticles and they’ll always stay strong, healthy and hydrated. This is easy to do and a totally effective way to keep your hands looking youthful and lovely. A couple of times each week is all you need to get the results you want.
Did you know that coconut oil could do so many magical things? Which of these will you be trying today? What other uses do you know of for coconut oil?