Lately, I’ve been into bags. Normally I see pretty handbags and swoon over how lovely they are, but never really think of buying them for myself (if only because they’re like, ridiculously expensive). I am a big fan of Herve Chapelier bags. They are my default carry-on tote whenever I fly anywhere, the clean lines and wide array of colours ensure that they compliment any outfit, (and the amount of stuff I can fit into one makes me feel like a 21st-century Mary Poppins, if she had a laptop).
But I live in Manhattan and am just coming off my Fashion Week high where there were bags galore. Now, I can’t stop thinking about them and Barneys keeps sending me tantalizing emails with the designers’ spring styles. So, here is my bag wishlist, for a variety of occasions. But not to worry Herve; you’re not going anywhere anytime soon!