False Eyelashes - "How to Apply" Video Lesson from the Pro

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False Eyelashes - "How to Apply" Video Lesson from the Pro

Nothing can make your look more dramatic and expressive than beautiful long full eyelashes. But even with the best mascara, only a few of us can achieve that result. Luckily, we always can rely on our little beauty secret - false eyelashes

Now, if you already have a set of false eye lashes or you are considering to try one - the most important thing is that you do it right. So, let's watch and learn from the fabulous Tricia Sawyer - one of the most famous Hollywood make-up artists.
How to Apply Individual False Eyelashes
In this video Tricia will share the secret of getting the perfect long eyelashes in the corners of the eyes, which almost every model or celebrity does for that glamorous look:

How to Apply a Full Set of False Eyelashes
In this video you will learn the tricks of applying the full eyelashes set, putting it in the right place and most importantly - making it stay there! :)

There is a vast variety of false eyelashes to choose from, the pricing varies from $2.00 to $30.00 per set. The false eyelashes with average price will be your best investment.

It's better to pick the ones that have a more natural look, so that you can wear them at day time too. For instance, these Model 21 False Eyelashes priced at $15.99 (which is 60% off their original price) at Amazon.com.

If you're not wanting to purchase false eyelashes you can also look into Rapidlash, one of the eye lash growth products online. This product helps your eyelashes to grow and also strengthens them.

Well now with all the great tips from the professional make-up artist Tricia Sawyer, you are all ready to put those babies on and look like you are about to hit the red carpet! ;)

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