Enough of High Gasoline Prices Get an Electronic Car


Enough of High Gasoline Prices Get an Electronic Car
Enough of High Gasoline Prices Get an Electronic Car

Sick and frustrated at the pump? Can you cope with those rising gasoline prices? Well, it’s really getting out of hand…..so read this…..

Martin Eberhard, CEO and co-founder of Tesla, drives the Tesla Roadster. Eberhard wanted to create an electric car that uses no gasoline, without skimping on style, speed or function.

It goes zero to 60 in about four seconds. Its top speed is 130 miles per hour. And it doesn’t use an ounce of gasoline!

The Tesla Roadster, is a new car that’s fueled entirely by electricity and could be hitting the lot just in time. Today the Energy Department reported that the average gallon of regular gasoline is now $3.10 — a new nominal record price for the United States.

“It’s time for us to do something about our dependence on foreign oil,” Eberhard said. “But I wasn’t ready to go drive around some goofy little car. … Think of how electric cars look. All the ones you’ve ever thought of.” “Our ultimate goal is to be the next great American car company,” he said, “to have a whole line of cars for every kind of driver and all of them** not burning gasoline.**”

**Wonderful goals, Martin…..and Good Luck!! **

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