Filed under: Under the outer, Men
What's the funniest pair of undies hidden in your closet? Who among us secretly wears Spiderman briefs to work under his three piece suit?
It's ok, you can admit it. According to this article in the NY Times, your novelty underwear is trendy: "Novelty underwear, for decades the butt of jokes and the joke of butts, has, in the last two to three years, turned into a serious business, capturing a significant share of the $1.1 billion men's knit-underwear (that is, excluding boxers) market."
So what gives? When did men suddenly become interested in bright, bold colors and wacky prints on their skivvies?
Apparently, it's all in the marketing. Most of the companies profiting of this recent trend seem to be taking a similar approach, by tapping into the goofy, fun, and playfully raunchy side of being a guy. They're promoting a more youthful idea of masculinity, in direct contrast to the bland, buff dudes traditionally featured on underwear packaging.
And by all accounts, it seems to be working -- because who doesn't want to dress young, fun and sexy?
Maybe it's time you started imagining your backside in something a little more stylish.
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