November 26, 2007
Did you Know? Kate Spade in 1994
Planning a trip to Amsterdam? Don’t forget to stop off at Tassen Museum located on Herengracht 573 in Amsterdam. This unique Designer Handbag Heaven is filled with walls and walls of bags, purses and accessories; some that even date back to the 16th century. Oh and yes of course there are current present day Limited Edition designer handbags. The museum has the largest collection of its kind in the world and is a true Hall of Fame for leading designers as well as internationally known big bag names such as Alexander McQueen, Dior, Versace, Prada, Louis Vuitton and Chanel.
In the area, give the Museum a call at +31(0)20-524 64 52
Not planning a trip to Amsterdam anytime soon, but dying to take a peak at this Museums inventory?
You can order the book “Tassen” (Bags) through the Museum’s site.
The book ‘Bags’ shows over 500 splendid colorful photos of bags and accessories from the collection of the Museum of Bags and Purses.
The book has been edited in 7 languages under one single cover.
The price of this book is about $30 + $11 for shipping. If you want to order this book, inquire at
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