Sut i wisgo topiau cnwd yn yr oerfel...


Mae y tywydd yn mynd yn brafiach, ond mae'n dal yn oer braidd. Wrth gwrs, os ydych chi'n barod i wisgo eich topiau cnwd, yna ddim rhaid i chi boeni. Dyma ychydig o ffyrdd gwahanol a gall eich arddull iddynt pan fydd yn dal i fod ychydig yn oer allan:

1 Long Sleeves and High Waisted Jeans


Not all crop tops are short sleeved, you know. There are plenty of long sleeved ones that will keep your arms warm in the cold.

2 Long Sleeves and High Waisted Skirt


Os ydych am gadw eich hun yn gynnes, gwnewch yn siŵr byddwch yn gwisgo rhywbeth uchel waisted â tops eich cnwd. Y ffordd honno, ni fydd gennych lawer o croen yn agored.

3 Super High Waisted Jeans


If you can find jeans that reach far enough up your stomach, then you won't have to show any skin at all. Of course, you'll still look amazing, because high waisted jeans will make your booty appear outstanding.

4 Flannel Shirt

If your crop top shows off way too much skin, all you have to do is put something over it. Instead of putting on a heavy jacket, just put on a light button down shirt, instead.

5 Sweater

Crëwyd sweaters fel hyn am reswm. Doedd ddim maent i fod i gael ei gwisgo eu hunain. Maen nhw i fod yn eu gwisgo gyda gwisgoedd fel hyn!

6 lace llewys

Lace is sexy, because it allows you to show off your skin without actually exposing it. That means you'll stay warm in the cold!

7 Ripped Jeans and a Bomber Jacket

Crop tops can make you look girly. Of course, if you'd rather look edgy, then pair your top with some ripped jeans, sneakers, and a bomber jacket.

8 Stripes and a Pencil Skirt


Crop tops aren't unprofessional. If you wear them like this, with a pencil skirt and only a sliver of skin, they'll be appropriate for work.

9 Knee-Length Skirt


If you're going to wear a crop top, you probably shouldn't wear a tight mini skirt with it. Leave a little to the imagination by wearing a long and loose skirt, instead.

10 Sleeveless Top


Os oes gennych wallt hir, gwisgo i lawr pan ydych yn gwisgo top cnwd heb lewys ar siâp. Byddwch yn helpu i gadw eich ysgwyddau a cynnes yn ôl.

11 Flannel Shirt and Regular Jeans


You don't have to wear high waisted jeans with your crop tops. If you're comfortable showing off your stomach, you can wear regular jeans. Just add a flannel shirt, so you can cover up if you get too cold.

12 Stylish Jacket and Glasses


Don't forget the importance of accessories! If you want to stay warm, put on a jacket. You can even add a scarf or some sunglasses.

13 Long Sleeved Turtleneck


If you want to stay warm, buy a crop top that doubles as a turtleneck.

14 Off the Shoulder Top


This is a cute look that won't make you shiver. After all, there's only a sliver of your stomach and shoulders showing.

15 Low in the Back


There are crop tops that are high in the front, but low in the back. They should keep you nice and toasty.

16 Matching Shirt and Skirt


There are stores that sell crop tops and matching skirts. That way, you won't have to struggle to find something to wear with it.

17 Layers


If you want to stay warm, all you have to do is add more layers!

Crop tops can look amazing on women of any age and body shape, so you should definitely buy a few! How many crop tops do you currently own?
