Britney Spears Lawyer K-Fed Can Pay His Own Legal Fees


Britney Spears Lawyer K-Fed Can Pay His Own Legal Fees
Britney Spears Lawyer K-Fed Can Pay His Own Legal Fees

A lawyer for Britney Spears argued in L.A. court Monday that the singer’s ex Kevin Federline should pay his own legal fees.

The court had previously ruled that Spears, 27, has to pay Federline’s counsel Mark Vincent Kaplan “reasonable” attorney’s fees.

But her attorney Stacy Phillips told a Los Angeles court commissioner that the singer currently pays Kaplan $500,000 when he is only entitled to $150,000 to $175,000.

Federline, 29, Phillips said, should foot the bill. She mentioned how the rapper once tipped $2,000 on a $365 bill while out dining.

“If he is willing to tip someone $2,000, then he should be willing to pay the lawyer bills,” Phillips said. “Mr. Federline needs to take responsibility for the very diligent work they do on his behalf.”

Kaplan, meanwhile, argued that he is worth the price due to the complicated nature of the custody case.

“Our fees for the experience and expertise for the practice level are far under market for the package you get when you hire me,” he said. “This is not a simple custody case.”

The court commissioner requested that Spears be given a temporary debit or credit card so she “can have spending money or freedom of choice of how she wants to enjoy herself.” She will be alloted $1500 per week. Spears’ father Jamie was also granted his request to lease a car.

Both Federline and Spears’ father (and co-conservator) Jamie

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