7 Brit-Lit Chick Reads I Highly Recommend ...


7 Brit-Lit Chick Reads I Highly Recommend ...
7 Brit-Lit Chick Reads I Highly Recommend ...

I admit, I love chick-lit; it's one of my favorite genres when I'm feeling blue, because something light, frothy, but unarguably chock full of deeper meaning, always makes me feel better. Without question, however, I love British chick-lit writers the best. They make me wish I was British. The first time I read books from many of these ladies, in fact, I wished I could grow up to be English. Why? Because these writers, these brilliant, wonderful authoresses are so wonderfully snarky! They have poisoned pens and silver tongues, and such a beautiful, sharp command of the language. Check out some of the Brit-lit chick reads I highly recommend, and see if you don't agree!

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Bookends by Jane Green

Bookends by Jane Green Price: $11.20 at amazon.com
I could have put any one of Jane Green's books on here, really. I've read all of them and I love them all, even though they aren't … well, I mean, they're not literary masterpieces, you know? But that's okay, because they're highly entertaining. I chose this one specifically because it does have depth – some of it quite heartbreaking. Simon is one of my favorite characters in recent memory, I adore the fact that there is a bookstore in this, and there's actually some pretty, er … spicy scenes, shall I say? All put together, this is definitely one of the most entertaining Brit-lit chick reads I highly recommend.


Notting Hell by Rachel Johnson

Notting Hell by Rachel Johnson Price: $11.90 at amazon.com
I believe I've mentioned this in another book, and I have to mention it again. Rachel Johnson is more than just wonderfully snarky, she's talking about real people! Apparently she didn't veil them very well either, because everyone in her neighborhood knows pretty much who's who. Wish I did! There's a sequel, Shire Hell, that I am dying to read, but alas! I cannot get my hands on a copy to save my life. So I reread my copy to rags, falling in love with Mimi and Ralph (ahem, RAFE, darling, it's pronounced RAFE) over and over again.


The Lives and Loves of a She Devil by Fay Weldon

The Lives and Loves of a She Devil by Fay Weldon Price: $7.99 at amazon.com
Not only is this one of the Brit-lit chick reads I highly recommend, I give it five thousand stars. It's not for everyone, like the book cover states, but if you like snark and if any part of your sense of humor is the least little bit morbid, you'll fall in love with this. Love Meryl Streep though I do, if you're only familiar with this title due to the movie starring madam herself, Roseanne, and Ed Begley, Jr., don't let it fool you. The book is so much better!


Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella Price: $11.20 at amazon.com
Again, if all you know of this title is the movie, then you should seriously consider reading the book – or books, rather, because there's a whole series of them. Rebecca is a wonderful character, and all through her adventures, she actually gets more and more fleshed out. There's some snark in these, perhaps not as much in other titles, but I always love the joy of seeing a recurring character grow, learn – and get into credit card related scrapes.


Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding

Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding Price: $10.20 at amazon.com
This is naturally one of the Brit-lit chick reads I highly recommend, because I love Bridget Jones beyond all reason. I wish there were more books, because the second, The Edge of Reason, just made me love her more. I particularly love the styling of her diary entries and … wait, deja-vu. I think I've said that before too, but it still stands, and if you've only seen the movies, you seriously need to go read the books – and check out the rest of Helen Fielding's fiction!


32AA by Michelle Cunnah

32AA by Michelle Cunnah Price: $11.93 at amazon.com
The cover of this book initially caught my eye – what girl doesn't know the godawful back snaps of a bra for the torture devices they are? I ended up being so glad I picked it up, because this book is hilarious! Emma Taylor is a wonderful character, as are her cohorts – especially her family. And the writing style is absolutely scrumptious. Seriously, I nearly started rereading the book as soon as I got to the last page.


Little White Lies: a Novel of Love and Good Intentions by Gemma Townley

Little White Lies: a Novel of Love and Good Intentions by Gemma Townley Price: $7.99 at amazon.com
As for this book, I confess I picked it up because I adore the name “Gemma,” but hey, there are worse reasons to try a book, you know? Again, I was so glad I gave it a shot. I love all the Vanity Fair references – and characterizations! – because you just don't get snarkier than that. Townley has many books, although this is the only one I've read at first, but I'm bound to start reading others. I didn't realize she was Sophie Kinsella's sister!

So there you have it, a list of Brit-lit chick books I highly recommend and most definitely hope you enjoy! I'm always on the lookout for other British authors, especially, because by and large I do love their style without fail. Are there any recommendations from y'all?

Top image source: data.whicdn.com

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