In terms of quality diamonds, the term "more is better" certainly comes into play when choosing a stone. This is also the reason why carat weight will help to determine its price. The only possible issue is that choosing a large stone can require a significant financial commitment. So, are there any ways to provide the illusion of size without breaking the proverbial bank?

You may be surprised to learn that choosing right shape is an important variable if you hope to get the most for your money. Are there any cuts associated with a greater amount of perceived "real estate" and which ones should be avoided?
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Diamond Shapes to Maximise Carat Weight
• Square
• Cushion
• Oval
• Round
• Pear
• Marquise
There is no doubt that each of these designs provides its own set of unique characteristics and yet, some will help to maximize the weight (carat) of the stone in question.
Most experts feel that a round brilliant cut is the best option here, as more of the stone itself is used during the initial design process. As the table (upper face) of the diamond is also noticeably large, its dimensions will appear more impressive when viewed from multiple angles.
Oval and pear shapes are also popular choices due to the fact that their elongated cut will help to take up more space within a ring. Similar to round brilliant cuts, these shapes help to maximize the amount of surface area. This Pricescope diamond shapes guide will provide you with a more in-depth overview.
What Shapes Should Be Avoided when Looking to Maximize Carat Weight?
Frequently asked questions
Other Ways to Enhance the Size of Your Diamond
Although carat weight is important, never forget that other qualities such as the cut, clarity and color of the stone will have an impact upon its appearance and value. This is why many individuals are now choosing to purchase quality diamonds online to enjoy substantial discounts in synergy with a truly amazing spectrum of shapes to select.