Important Baby Safety Tips for Nap Time That All Nannies Need to Know ...


Important Baby Safety Tips for Nap Time That All Nannies Need to Know ...
Important Baby Safety Tips for Nap Time That All Nannies Need to Know ...

If you are a nanny to a baby under the age of one, then there is a good chance that you will be dealing with quite a few naps. After all infants and those a bit older, spend quite a bit of the day snoozing. Although naps can make your job easier, you also have to understand the hazards that come along with.

For babies who haven’t yet had their first birthday, the risk of SIDs is higher – particularly when the little one is sleeping. This is why it is important for you to know exactly what you need to do to reduce the chances of this happening. So, on this note, here are all the tips that you should be following:

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Always Put the Baby in the Crib

The last thing that anyone wants to do is move a sleeping baby. However, if the little one has fallen asleep in your arms, it is important to put them back in their cribs. This is the best possible place for safe sleep. Never place the baby on a couch, large pillows, or even an adult bed.

Modern baby cribs have been designed to meet specific safety standards. Thanks to this fact, there is less chance of the baby getting hurt while they are in their own cot. As an added bonus, most baby mattresses have also been created and tested so that they have the perfect level of firmness.

If you are dealing with a very young baby – one under the age of three months, for instance, you can put them in a well-designed baby bassinet. Apart from this, however, a crib is the only good place for an infant to nap.


Place the Baby on Their Back

Always place the baby on their back when putting them down to sleep. This is especially important if the baby is younger than six months. Infants can’t roll over yet. So, if you place them on their side, they will remain in this position.

Now, this is dangerous because it can reduce the amount of oxygen that the baby is getting. When a baby sleeps on their side or their stomach, there is an increased risk of rebreathing – this is when they are inhaling the carbon dioxide that they just exhaled.


Keep the Crib Bare

If you notice any pillows, toys, or even crib bumper pads, make sure to clear these away before or immediately after you have put the baby down for a nap. These, too, can be breathing hazards. In fact, you will find that most experts agree that babies don’t even need a pillow for their head. A firm mattress offers plenty of support.

It is also a good idea to do away with blankets. Doctors advise against using blankets for babies that are less than one year old. If you are worried about the baby getting too cold, dress him or her in layers. This way, you can add or remove layers depending on the ambient temperature.

The good news is that there is quite a lot that you can do to keep a baby safe while they are sleeping. Follow the guidelines mentioned here and you should have peace of mind as well. This way, it is a win-win situation for all.

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