The brother of Angelina Jolie has spoken publicly about his famous sister and the loss of the siblings' mother in an interview with a British newspaper. James Haven says the trauma of he and Jolie's childhood and the bullying of their manipulative father, actor Jon Voight, has been the impetus behind his sister's desire to create the opposite for her own family. "I have no memory at all of my mother shouting at me or my sister," Haven says. "But I do have horrible memories of my father and the way he behaved. He was so tough on our mother... He lived in the same town. We saw him around Christmas time or at school recitals. He was always around but he never did his job as a father... I think one of the reasons Angelina and I care so much for other people is his treatment of our mother. Angelina and I were very protective of her for that reason." Haven admits the recent loss of their mother, Marcheline Bertrand, to cancer has been devastating. "Angie has become very thin because she's grieving. It's even difficult for her to eat. I keep saying to her, 'Don't forget to eat.'... But you know she doesn't pay much attention to food anyway and she's been going through a process of grief like me. She has not wanted to eat, nor has she been able to." Haven says he and his sister are like orphans, telling the paper, "If Angelina understood something about missing parents before, she understands completely now. Angelina and I are ophans too, in a way. When you see those kids in orphanages, they cling to each other. And that's exactly what they have - they have each other."