After months of anticipation, especially for Mac users with Intel processors, Adobe has finally launched new versions of its Creative Suite. The new suites have been grouped together for different kinds of web, print and video production, and there is also a Master Collection which throws in all the goodies at once. For fans of Dreamweaver, Fireworks and other software which originated from Macromedia, these are a part of the suites too. Gone for good is Adobe GoLive, we hardly knew ye. But out with the old and in with the new right? There is a new Photoshop CS3 Extended version designed for people with advanced video production and architectural needs, there is also the new Soundbooth CS3 which sounds like it might be a Pro Tools alternative - though it’s too early to tell, and there is also the new Device Central CS3 which will make it a lot easier for developers and designers to design and test content created for mobile phones. Overall, I’m pretty excited. Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects are staples of every day life for me, and I can’t wait to give them a whirl on my Mac Pro and see them leave some track marks behind. For more information on the new suites and when they’ll be available, check out Adobe’s CS3 launch site. Also, at 3:30pm E.T. there is going to be a live Webcast of the launch event taking place in New York City. We’ll be there too, so don’t forget to scope the audience for illustrated 2D figures.