If a shoe department gets its own zip code, does it count as a new travel destination?
That’s the question I’ve been pondering today as I think about what to do for my remaining vacation days. While I have lots of plans within a couple hours of home, I must admit to being tempted to run away for a couple of days.
And than a friendsent me a news articleabout the newer and BIGGER shoe department at the New York Sak’s Fifth Avenue store. The department is being expanded to over 8,500 square feet, moving from the fourth floor to the eighth floor, and is getting it’s own zip code. Well, actually it’s keeping its old zip code, but getting a new “plus four.” So what if it’s only promotional, I think having a zip code of 10222-SHOE is pretty darn impressive. And this has always been one of my favorite shoe destinations!
All this doesn’t become official until the move into the new digs in August, but come fall when you ask me where I’m going on vacation, don’t be surprised if I answer Shoes!
Photo credit: Wally G
Tags: b5media, flight attendants, Flyaway Cafe, Manhattan, New York, NYC, shopping, travel, travel blogs, vacation, Sak’s Fifth Avenue