A Boozing Angelina Jolie Collapsed??

By popbytes

A Boozing Angelina Jolie Collapsed??

good evening! i just walked back in the door from the airport to plenty of love from all my doggies - i'm way tired and i don't know how i'll handle work tomorrow - thank heavens the weekend isn't too far off! before i head off to bed i had to post the latest cover of **national enquirer** which is back on angelina jolie again...this time they've got her all boozed up and 'collapsing' into brad pitt's arms - who is starting to get fed up with ms. jolie and has begged her to seek help - you guys know i'm a big fan of brangelina so i'm not buying into this drama at all - maybe she did have one drink too many and took a stumble but who hasn't?!? (plus high heels can be a bitch - not that i know personally - i'd totally kill myself wearing heels!) you have to get a laugh over the picture being featured on the cover - not her best shot but angie always looks great!

my favorite part of the cover of course involves the supposed demi moore & ashton kutcher nude photo scandal! gosh - if those pics actually exist - i so need to see them - they're both hot but mr. kutcher is super fine - omg - i'd love to see him naked! up on the top there's more drama for nicole richie - they've got her pegged back in rehab but all the recent pics i've seen of her - she seems fine - and has a bit of that pregnancy glow going on! i'm sure she'll be a great mom - certainly better than britney spears - i still can't get over that whole mess - she's just not acting right - you'd think she would've showed up to court today but nope - she was out & about doing important things like getting gas in the valley and smiling for the paparazzi! (oh yeah and let's not forget starbucks - now that's really important!)

we've also got a story of star jones - whose husband al reynolds still seems to be gay...and there's rumors of new evidence that could finally put oj simpson behind bars - where he should have been put a long time ago - he makes me freakin' sick - ugh! i'm so ready to lay down soon (and slightly delerious from a very long day) i'll check you all tomorrow - xxoo!

PS wow! some lady won $60 million dollars with enquirer's lucky blue dot! see reading tabloids can pay off sometimes - i need to find out what that lucky blue dot is all about...

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