8 Yummiest Treats for Your Dog ...

By Aprille

My dog is like any other dog; she loves her treats! I’ve come up with a list of the 8 yummiest treats for your dog that you may or may not have come across before. Hopefully some of these are new to you and are something your dog might enjoy. Feel free to take a look and pass on any that you think others might also like to let their dog try.

8 Buddy Berries

Buddy Berries Price: $3.99 at amazon.com
Remember to watch your fingers when trying to feed these treats to a large dog. You just might loose one of your precious digits! Also, don’t be confused by the name, since these treats are actually flavored with chicken and not berries. The berry reference is in regards to the shape of the treats. They are perfect for dog toys created by the same company who makes these treats. The treats fit inside the toy and your dog has to work to get a single treat out on his own. Great idea for busy pups!

Frequently asked questions

7 Sweet Potato and Chicken

Sweet Potato and Chicken Price: 12.99 at amazon.com
I actually was drawn to these treats because of two things; sweet potatoes in the list of ingredients and the hard plastic container the chews are in. I have a cat that insists on tearing into the resealable bags most treats are sold in. This container would definitely protect my dog’s treats from that pesky cat. We both would be rather happy! I wouldn’t be cleaning up torn bits of bag and my dog would have her precious treats.

6 Dingo Mini Bones

Dingo Mini Bones Price: $10.95 at amazon.com
These are rather small for my husky, but I’m sure she would still enjoy them. What dog doesn’t like rawhide bones, especially ones filled with real chicken breast jerky? I always like buying dog treats that have a dual purpose. With this particular brand, preventing tartar build-up is the additional bonus that is provided.

5 Yummie Chummies Salmon Treats

Price: $20.09 at amazon.com
These had a fun title and I love salmon, so I thought I might as well add them to my list of dog treats. The company that makes these treats use salmon as the main ingredient in each of their products, which contains omega-3 and omega-6. These are two essential fatty acids that are excellent for dogs to have in their diet.

4 Zuke’s Peanut Butter ‘n Blueberryz

Zuke’s Peanut Butter ‘n Blueberryz Price: $6.99 at amazon.com
This 16 ounce box has more than 300 treats inside and each is only 5 calories apiece. These are perfect for either a small dog or one that is watching his figure. The natural ingredients don’t contain any by-products, corn, wheat, or artificial flavors, so they are also great for dogs with allergies. The list of ingredients actually sounded a lot like the one on the side of my cereal box, but without the high fructose corn syrup that most cereals are coated in. I’d never thought of mixing blueberries and peanut butter until I came across these treats.

3 Greenies Pill Pockets

Greenies Pill Pockets Price: $1.95 to $7.80 at amazon.com
Not only are these treats made with vitamin E and C, but they are also an aid for when you have to give your dog medication in pill form. These are created for inserting a pill into and helping your dog get his medication while receiving a treat at the same time. However, they can still be given as bite-sized treats after your dog has finished his medication. They are a perfect size!

2 Fruitables Pumpkin and Apple Treats

Price: $5.67 at amazon.com
I wonder if these have ever been consumed by humans as well. I’m sure someone has taken at least a small nibble of these veggie-rich treats while offering one to his dog. They are made without soy, wheat, or corn, which is great news for dogs with allergies. These treats also don’t contain any by-products and have lots of antioxidants needed to boost your dog’s immune system.

1 Better than Ears

Better than Ears Price: $12.99 at amazon.com
I received a free sample of these in the mail one day and my dog went absolutely bananas. She has always been a huge fan of pig ears from the local feed store. These are shaped like pig ears, have a bacon flavor added to them, but contain 50 percent less fat than normal pig ears. The ingredients in these treats are highly digestible for dogs, so no upset stomach later on.

The 8 yummiest treats for your dog that I’ve listed above were all priced fairly reasonably. It’s always nice to find natural dog treats that don’t cost an arm and a leg. I like having fun snacks for my dog, but I don’t enjoy going broke to buy them for her! What types of treats do you buy for your dog? Do you find it easier to make your own?

Top Photo Credit: emilyrudd

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