8 Things You Didn't Know You Could Put in Your USB Slot ...

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8 Things You Didn't Know You Could Put in Your USB Slot ...

Have you saw all those things you can plug into your USB slot? This world is jam packed with tons of technological advancements and some of the proof is in this blog posting. There are some mighty odd things that you can plug into your pc, which I am going to tell you about. Below, I am going to give you 8 things you didn’t know you could put in your USB slot …

8 USB Eye Warmer

Wow, where did this one come from? Now, you can keep your eyes warm and it will all be powered by your computer. Yes, this world really is full of technology advancements.

Frequently asked questions

7 Cup Warmer

I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of my cup of coffee getting cold every morning! So, the cup warmer is definitely on my list. It plugs into your laptop/pc and helps keep your cup warm.

6 Universal Swiss Army Knife

This is a Swiss Army Knife. However, it is not like any other army knife you may have had. This one is different. It is a Swiss Army Knife with a 2 GB memory stick! I guess it really does have everything.

5 USB Hamster Wheel

If you can’t have a real hamster in your office, then why not try the USB hamster wheel? This wheel is going to take you a step closer to nature. The quicker you type on your keyboard, the hamster will run faster.

4 Smokeless Ashtray

I don’t smoke – never have and never will – but this smokeless ashtray would be great for someone who does. They say that it can make secret smoking easier. I better stop right here before I start lecturing you all on why not to smoke.

3 Flower Pot Speakers

There are different varieties of these. Just type in “USB flower pot speakers” in Google search and see what you come up with. There are two different ones that I like. I definitely added a set of these to my wishlist.

2 Laser Guided Rocket Launcher

Well, of course, it is not the real thing. It is all for “play,play.” You can control it through USB connection on your PC. You can use it to aim at people in your office. Oh, do you know that show “Office?” Could you imagine if they got a hold of this one?

1 Ghost Radar

Oh, I definitely want to have this one! Some will say this is aimed at gullible people. However, nonetheless, this company is making a lot of money as more and more people show interest in this USB ghost radar.

Those are 8 things you didn’t know you could put in your USB slot. Now, some of you may know this stuff – also, mind you, I wouldn’t recommend keeping these things plugged into your USB at all times. So, do you have anything you would like to share with me? Which one on my list would you like to have?

Top Photo Credit: christinmulder

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