8 Great if Unfashionable Wardrobe Favorites ...

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8 Great if Unfashionable Wardrobe Favorites ...

There are some wardrobe staples that may not earn you any points in the fashion stakes, but that you love nevertheless. And why shouldn't you wear them? Here I celebrate those 'old faithful' items that should be loved and cherished.

1 Faded Jeans

Faded Jeans Photo Credit: Smaku

I don't mean a pair that you've bought already faded. That's cheating! I mean a pair that you've worn and washed so many times that they're on the point of falling apart and embarrassing you, but that you can't bear to throw out. The pair that is irreplaceable. The pair that you will mourn forever when they finally go to the Great Wardrobe in the Sky …

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2 Your Ex-boyfriend's T-shirt

Okay, you might have sworn that if you ever see him again, the result will look like a Tarantino film, but there is still that little piece of you that misses him. Fortunately, you've still got that t-shirt that he left behind. The faded, worn, ancient t-shirt that you would never wear in public, but is great for sleeping in.

3 Flip Flops

Flip Flops Photo Credit: Dyxie

Much decried by fashionistas, the humble flip flop just can’t be beaten when it comes to comfort and practicality in the heat. As temperatures rise here in Spain, my feet will now be permanently shod in flip flops (unless the occasion demands sandals). It’s so easy to slip them on and off, and they keep your feet cool. That’s fine by me – who cares about fashion?

4 Baseball Cap

Baseball Cap Photo Credit: a.pitch

I would never, ever be seen dead wearing an actual baseball cap, but as someone who needs to keep the sun off their head, a cap in a similar style is a must for me. I love all kinds of hats, but a cotton cap can be scrunched up and kept in your bag for when you need it, whereas a big straw hat, for example, has to be carried in your hand when you take it off.

5 Tracksuit Pants

Now, I admit that these should never be worn in public, unless you are on your way to the gym. If you’re having a lazy day at home, however, pulling on your tracky pants saves the effort of deciding what to wear. No one’s going to see you, and you’ll be comfortable, so who cares?

6 Flared Jeans

Flared Jeans Photo Credit: *Gossy*

Flared jeans go in and out of fashion so often that it’s hard to keep track. But they should definitely be kept in your wardrobe and proudly brought out when they’re out of fashion again. There are some days when you just want to feel that breeze swirling around your ankles …

(disclaimer – I am not talking about those enormous 70s flares that look like windmill sails)

7 Big Baggy Cardigan

Big Baggy Cardigan Photo Credit: sifis

Unless you live in a permanently warm climate, this is a must for those cold days. What could be nicer when you’re feeling cold (especially if you’re sick) than pulling that cardi on and snuggling up on the sofa?

8 Basic Black T-shirt

Boring? Hell, no! Simple and effortless. I have a scoop-neck black t-shirt that may not be fashionable, but I just love wearing it with jeans. No thought needed, and to my mind it looks fine. Basic, maybe, but who wants to spend hours every day picking out an outfit?

So, what old faithfuls do you have in your closet? What garments will you wear until you die, no matter what anyone thinks of them? What item couldn’t you live without?

Top Photo Credit: ::enrapture::

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