7 Reasons I Love the P90X Workout ...


7 Reasons I Love the P90X Workout ...
7 Reasons I Love the P90X Workout ...

First off, I have to tell you, P90X is the toughest workout I’ve ever done, so it’s not for the faint of heart. It’s even tougher than the workouts I did with my personal trainer, and that’s saying something. But, getting beyond the physical pain and the irritation with the endlessly cheerful video host, I’m a true P90X convert. Why, you ask, do I love an exercise regimen that makes me so sore I can’t sit or stand without wincing? Here are 7 reasons I love the P90X workout…

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It’s Cheap

What I mean by “cheap” is that it’s not as pricey as most gym memberships, since you’re just paying on flat rate for the DVD set, and that’s it. You’ll need to invest in a yoga mat and tension band, but that’s it, really. The total cost for the P90X DVDs, mat, and tension band? Less than $200. See? Cheap!


You Can do It at Home

If you’re like me, it’s hard to find the time to get to the gym, so working out at home has the advantage — you’re already there! Plus you don’t have to worry if your yoga pants are ratty or your hair is sticking up funny because you just rolled out of bed. Working out at home rocks, especially when you’re doing P90X… no-one will have to see your weird hair or game face.


It’s for Your Whole Body

Most workouts only cover one bit of your body, or they’re all yoga, or they’re all cardio. P90X is total body, including stretching, yoga, cardio, and all of your muscle systems. There are even different versions: the standard, the lean (for women) and the athlete (which is double the intensity of the standard). All of the workouts are all-inclusive, so you’re getting everything you need for total body fitness (even a diet plan) in the P90X routine.


It’s Something New Every Day

I tend to get bored with a fitness routine, so I’m thrilled that P90X offers a new workout for every day of the week. One day you’re working your legs, the next you’re doing yoga. You’ll never be bored because it’s a new workout every day of the week!


It’s Really, Really Hard

If I’m going to work out for an hour, I want to feel like I’ve accomplished something… if I’ not covered in sweat, or worn out, or even a little sore, I’m disappointed. This is not an issue with P90X… I can honestly say that the very first day I did it, I actually over-did it, and ended up throwing up. This is an intense workout. It’s really, really hard… learn from my mistake and quit or slow down BEFORE you throw up.


The Discs Include Everything You Need

Everything you need for a full-body workout and fitness plan is included with the DVDs. There are so products to buy, or additional discs you’ll need later. There’s no clunky special equipment or weird pill you have to take. It’s shockingly simple — lace up your shoes (or, for yoga, go barefoot), put it the disc for the day, and sweat for about an hour.


The Results!

The single biggest reason I love P90X is because it WORKS. I’ve never felt or looked better. My abs are ripped. I’m more flexible. My heart is healthier. My legs are sexy. I still have those little saddlebags, but hey, no workout in the world will get rid of those (but a plastic surgeon can). Simply put, I do it, and love it, because I see results.

I’m completely serious about how awesome the P90X workout is, and the only way you’ll understand exactly what I mean, why I love it, is to try it yourself. It’s amazing! Or maybe you’re already a fan… have you tried P90X, or know someone who has? What do you think? Please share!

Top Photo Credit: allison-williams

Feedback Junction

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Did you get paid by them to say all this? Just double checking :)

Yoga X rocks

I am doing P90X! Started and still going strong for a year or so. And you're right! :D

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