5 Best Summer Workouts ...


5 Best Summer Workouts ...
5 Best Summer Workouts ...

(Ahh summer... The time for skimpy dresses and even skimpier bikinis. It's a fact that we need to stay in shape all season long. To help us, we have here a guest post by one of the ladies of FitBottomedGirls. Thank you, Jenn!)

The summer sun! The vacations! The extra daylight! Summer is a great time to get fit because there are so many different activities that you can do outside. So forget the boring gym and read on for five workouts that are perfect for summer.
1. Volleyball

Whether it's in your backyard or on the beach, spike your way to fitness with a game of volleyball. The average woman will burn about 200 calories for just 30 minutes of play!
2. Swimming
****During the dog-days of summer, there's nothing better than hopping in the pool to cool off and get active. Whether it's swimming laps, playing water basketball or even just splashing around with the little ones in the shallow end, use that water as resistance to get a great low-impact workout in!
3. Tennis

Photo Credit: Leonrw

****Grab your racket, some balls and hit the court! It doesn't matter if you play singles or doubles or if your tennis skills are as good as the Williams sisters or are a little rusty. Just get out there and play!****
4. Park workout
Everyone loves to go to the park, but instead of packing a picnic, pack for a workout. Bring some friends and some resistance bands and create your own workout, setting up stations of tricep dips off of a park bench, lunges by the water fountain, bicep curls with the bands in the shade, push-ups near the playground and wall squats on a tree. Spend a minute at each station and then switch, running to the next station. It's like your own boot camp!
5. Bike riding

**Photo Credit: moriza

Nothing feels better than the summer air blowing in your face during a bike ride. So strap on that helmet and hit a park trail near you. Even at a leisurely pace, you'll burn about 250 calories an hour.

Just remember that as the temps pick up, to stay properly fueled and hydrated before, during and after workouts! And have fun out there!

By Jennipher Walters, www.FitBottomedGirls.com

Top Photo Credit: AyelVee

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