7 Qa's on Pets ...

By Melanie7 Comments

7 Qa's on Pets ...

I really like animals. When I’m sad, they make me happy. I am not sure where we would be without pets. Unfortunately, some people do not understand the love of a pet and neglect them – to those people – you should be ashamed of yourselves. There are so many people breeding pets for the sake of money – it’s wrong. Want a pet? Go to the shelter and adopt one! Right now, I am going to give you 7 Q&A’s on pets …

7 Question: is It a Good Idea to Change My Dogs Food Every Now and then, in Case He is Getting Bored of It?

Question: is It a Good Idea to Change My Dogs Food Every Now and then, in Case He is Getting Bored of It? Image source: cappers.grit.com

Answer: It is not a good idea to change a dogs food. When you change their food, it could cause their stomach to get upset and cause diarrhea. If you have to change the food, then you should do it gradually by mixing their old food in with the new food.

Frequently asked questions

6 Question: My Pit Bulls Nose Has Been Dry on the outside for about a Week. Should I Be Worrying about This?

Question: My Pit Bulls Nose Has Been Dry on the outside for about a Week. Should I Be Worrying about This? Image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

Answer: When a dog has a dry nose, this does not necessarily mean they are sick. Dogs get wet noses because of their tear glands are emptying into their noses. When the nose is dry, this does not mean that something is wrong with the tear gland. When you have any concerns of your dogs health, you should go to the vet.

5 Question: What Are Some Foods That Are Bad for Dogs?

Question: What Are Some Foods That Are Bad for Dogs? Image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

Answer: Some foods that are bad for dogs include raisins, chocolate, fruit pits and seeds (they could result in cyanide poisoning), Macadamia nuts, chicken bones, Potato peelings, Rhubarb Leaves, Green parts of tomatoes, broccoli, coffee, tea, soft drinks, yeast dough, beer, raw eggs, salt, mushrooms, onions, avocado, garlic, dairy products, nutmeg and raw fish. This does not complete the list – you should stick to only giving your dog food that is made for them.

4 Question: How Big do Iguanas Get?

Question: How Big do Iguanas Get? Image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

Answer: Iguanas grow from four to six feet long – most of that is their tail. Females tend to be shorter than the males. Six footers are not that common. Please, before you get a iguana or any other reptile, read about them. Iguanas are not for beginners.

3 Question: do Small Cages Stunt the Growth of Iguanas?

Question: do Small Cages Stunt the Growth of Iguanas? Image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

Answer: No, small aquariums don’t stunt the growth of iguanas or any other reptile – they stunt the growth of fishes. However, putting them in a small cage will stress them out.

2 Question: Can a Bunny Snack on Cat or Dog Food?

Question: Can a Bunny Snack on Cat or Dog Food? Image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

Answer: No, this is bad for the bunny. Those are foods that are designed specifically for carnivores and the rabbit is a herbivore. These foods are high in fat and protein along with carbohydrates.

1 Question: What Are a List of Things That is Safe for a Russian Tortoise to Eat?

Question: What Are a List of Things That is Safe for a Russian Tortoise to Eat? Image source: tortoiseshack.com

Answer: They can eat squash, carrots, turnip greens, collards, kale, hibiscus flowers, dandelion, Californian Poppy and Rose. You should avoid iceburg lettuce at all costs.

There you have my 7 Q&A’s on pets. Do you have any questions for me on pets that you would like answered?

Top Photo Credit: D_Vas

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