7 Celebrities I Wish Would Just Go Away ...

By Jennifer49 Comments

7 Celebrities I Wish Would Just Go Away ...

There are a lot of celebs I adore, and I’m always curious to see what they’re wearing and I love hearing what new projects they’re working on. There are a few Hollywood notables, though, that I’ll never like, and I can’t understand why anyone cares what they think, say, or do. I know they’re popular, and it must be for a reason, but I’m just so sick of hearing about them, and most of the time, I wish they would just disappear! Here’s my list of the 7 celebrities I wish would just go away.

1 Kate Gosselin

Who decided this mean-spirited, ridiculously trashy woman could have her own show? I love her adorable children, but even after the first time I watched the show, I felt so bad for them… they’re going to need so much therapy! Whenever I can’t stand seeing more about Kate, I just Google images of her when she was brunette, fat, and non-famous! Then I feel better.

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2 Spencer and Heidi

If I see poor Heidi on the cover of another tabloid with headlines about her extreme plastic surgery, I’m going to scream. I feel bad for her, because she obviously has a self-esteem issue, but I couldn’t care less about her surgeries, or her wimpy, self-centered husband. Spencer. He’s such a wuss! Maybe now that they’ve split they’ll go away for a while.

3 Paris Hilton

Since when did being ultra-wealthy qualify you as a celebrity? I have to admit that though I don’t like her attitude or demeanor, acting ability or singing voice, I do admire Paris Hilton’s veracity and sometimes, her style. But most of the time, I wish she’d just go away. Like, to jail, where maybe she could finish her term, along with the girl next on my list.

4 Lindsay Lohan

She was super-cute and even talented when she was little, but what happened? I still think she’s gorgeous, but Lindsay Lohan needs to disappear for a while and get her pathetic life straight before she does another movie.

5 John Mayer

He can’t sing. Maybe he can play guitar or write songs, but he can’t sing, and from everything I’ve seen and heard of him, he’s a total prick with little else to recommend him. And he was a jerk to Jennifer Aniston, whom I happen to like.

6 Oprah Winfrey

If there was ever a celebrity that just needed to go away, it has to be Oprah Winfrey. I can’t stand her sanctimonious, self-righteous attitude, and since when does she know everything? What bothers me most is that she puts a big photo of herself on her magazine cover each month! How obnoxiously narcissistic! Sure, she’s powerful, but I just wish she’d go away, or that someone could give her a much-needed reality check!

7 Paula Abdul

Back in the 1980’s, I loved Paula Abdul. She was such a talented dancer, singer, and choreographer, but now she’s just a washed-up train wreck. I think she’s only popular now because people love to see how bizarre and strung out she is. Please, Paula, scrape together some dignity and go away for a while!

It may just be my own opinion, but I can’t help it — I just wish these celebrities would just go away! Which of these celebs on my list do you agree with? Which do you like, and why? Please let me know! I promise I won’t be offended if you disagree with me. Did I forget Justin Beiber?

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