5 Thought-Provoking Posts to BlogStalk...

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5 Thought-Provoking Posts to BlogStalk...

1 Bad Kisser Dilemma

What do you do when the guy you're with is a bad kisser?

2 Hillary Swank and Sleeping Naked

It's not so weird until you realize that her boyfriend's 6-year old son often sees her naked.

Frequently asked questions

3 South Africa Thinking of Legalizing Prostitution for World Cup

Doing so means screening sex workers. It seems to be a good move since about 50% of sex workers in South Africa is HIV positive. What do you think of this issue?

4 Are You Concerned about the Shape of Your Boobs?

Don't be. Read this helpful post to know why.

5 the RL Ad Fiasco

Ralph Lauren printed an ad so heavily photoshopped that model Filippa Hamilton looked like a bobble head. Read what the company is doing about this ad now.

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