5 Things to Love about Jared Leto ...

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5 Things to Love about Jared Leto ...

Jared Leto is not everyone's cup of tea. I don't see why not when I can just picture him in my teacup being all cute and tiny and cute and beautiful. *aherm* I shall behave now. But really, if you are of the persuasion that he is just "meh" I can give you reasons to love about him.

1 He Has a Beautiful Face

He Has a Beautiful Face Jared is 38. That's right, 38. And he looks like THAT. I have mentioned here many times that I think he has found the fountain of youth. I'm not sure if this is a latest photo but really, he looks so much younger than his age. On top of that amazing fact, he is just downright beautiful. Don't you just love his eyes? When he had blond hair, he looked as beautiful as Kurt Cobain did.

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2 He Has a Beautiful Body

He Has a Beautiful Body I guess it helps that he's a lacto-ovo vegetarian and that he's into many sports. He loves to hike, snowboard, and skateboard. I wonder if he has a nutritionist and trainer. He probably does, considering the many abuses his body has received due to his film career.

3 He's a Musician

He's a Musician Some girls are naturally drawn to musicians. If you are one of these girls, Jared being the lead vocalist of the band 30 Seconds to Mars should be a good thing. He is also a songwriter and rhythm guitarist of the band.

4 He Paints

He Paints Now I am not really into musicians but I admit I have a weakness for the artsy guys. How perfect is it that Jared Leto considers painting one of his hobbies? I will be extra-psyched if I can see some work he's done. If you know any or has images, please tell us by leaving a comment or two.

5 He is a Good Actor

He is a Good Actor One of the first drug-related movies I watched and loved was Requiem for a Dream. If you have not seen this movie, you should. Jared is amazing on it. Jared was good as Jordan Catalano on My So-Called Life but on Requiem for a Dream, he was just simply awesome. The photo above is from his film, Chapter 27. That's right, he gained weight for a role. This is an issue regarding his acting career that clearly does not faze him. Don't you just love his dedication to his craft? I hope he gets more great roles in the future.

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