13 Medicinal Herbs and Spices ...

By Denise

13 Medicinal Herbs and Spices ...

The advancements in modern science have paved way for pharmaceutical companies to create medicines for various diseases and conditions. For the longest time, they have tried to convince people that their way is the most effective. However, in recent times, lay people and even some medical professionals are opening up their minds and are seeking alternative treatment methods. One of these alternative methods is herbal medicine, and it’s not as mystical as you might think it is. You probably even already have different medicinal herbs and spices in your kitchen. Read on to be informed.

1 Bay Leaf/Berry/Bark

Bay Leaf/Berry/Bark Photo Credit: 3dphoto.net

The bay leaf, berry and bark have many medicinal uses. Bay is said to be useful in lowering blood sugar levels, improving digestion and appetite, relieving flatulence and diarrhea, and reducing gastrointestinal inflammation and infection. They can also be used to increase urine production and induce vomiting and sweating. The berries can be used as a remedy for fever, colds, asthma, and chronic bronchitis. They can also be used as a wound or ulcer dressing. Bay oil can be used to make ointments for bruises and sprains. The bark can be used to relieve toothache.

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2 Chamomile

Chamomile Photo Credit: poly_mnia

Chamomile is a mild sedative that can help treat insomnia. The flowers is has anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve painful swellings, rheumatism, and arthritis. Chamomile can also be used to relieve menstrual cramps and intestinal spasms. It can relieve flatulence and can be used as a mild laxative. The tea can be a good remedy for sore throats, fevers, colds, flu, allergies, and the associated body aches and pains. Externally, chamomile can be used as shampoo, a skin softener, a salve for wounds and hemorrhoids, and as a wash for inflammations and burns.

3 Chilies

Chilies Photo Credit: mang M

Chilies are popularly known for helping speed up the metabolism. They can also help relieve pain caused by arthritis and shingles when applied externally on the affected areas. The active ingredient of chili, capsaicin, when taken internally causes the brain to release endorphins, thus providing pain relief. Aside from pain relieving properties, chilies are also said to prevent the formation of blood clots, improve digestion, and relieve flatulence.

4 Cinnamon

Photo Credit

Cinnamon is said to be effective remedy for the colds, coughs, and sore throats. It can also help prevent influenza. Cinnamon relieves headaches, nausea, and vomiting. It can stimulate appetite, aid in digestion, and relieve flatulence, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and intestinal spasms. Folk medicine made use of cinnamon for its anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and anti-clotting properties. Cinnamon can also give you good skin complexion and fresh breath.

5 Coriander

Coriander Photo Credit: harpazo_hope

Coriander can aid in the relief of flatulence and in the treatment of digestive disorders such as indigestion, nausea, and dysentery, as well as reduce the acidity in the stomach. Coriander water is a kidney stimulant and a good diuretic. It can help lower blood cholesterol. Coriander seeds can help slow down excessive menstrual flow. If you want nice skin, then coriander juice with a little turmeric powder can cure pimples and blackheads and can also moisturize dry skin. You can use coriander to relieve anxiety and insomnia.

6 Garlic

Garlic Photo Credit: fotoJENica a/k/a Jenny Romney

Garlic can greatly improve your immune system. It can aid in the treatment of asthma and respiratory diseases. Garlic can help lower blood pressure by alleviating spasms in the small arteries. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties, making it an effective remedy for arthritis and rheumatism. Garlic can also make your digestive system more efficient by promoting the growth of good bacteria in the intestines. It can help eliminate toxins, stimulate circulation, and renew the blood. Garlic is good for treating skin problems like acne and ringworms. It can also be used as an antiseptic to clean infected wounds. Garlic is also said to be an aphrodisiac.

7 Ginger

Ginger Photo Credit: cfwhitney

Ginger can be used to alleviate high blood pressure and lower LDL cholesterol levels. Ginger is also a good remedy for digestive problems such as dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and flatulence. It can be used to effectively remedy colds and coughs. Ginger can be used as a pain reliever for headaches, toothaches, and even earaches. The pain relieving properties can also be used for painful menstruations.

8 Lemon Grass

Lemon Grass Photo Credit: Kari Champoux

Lemon grass is a fragrant herb that, when mixed with some black pepper, can be used to relieve painful menstruations. Lemon grass can also promote a healthy digestion. It relieves flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems. Lemon grass is a good treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, back pain, and sprains. Lemon grass roots can be used to relieve toothaches.

9 Onion

Onions can be used to treat the common colds, coughs, bronchitis, and influenza. The iron content of onions is easy to absorb so it can be useful in treating anemia. Raw onion can kill germs in the mouth and can alleviate tooth and gum pain. Onions can also be used to treat problems of the urinary system.

10 Oregano

Oregano Photo Credit: mccormacka

Oregano has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Oregano tea can help cure indigestion, flatulence, bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can protect and cure you from coughs, colds, and bronchial problems. It can relieve headaches, fevers, swollen glands, and urinary problems. A paste made of pounded oregano leaves can relieve pain due to rheumatism. The paste can also be applied to swollen, itching, aching muscles, and even on sores. Oregano oil can be used to relieve toothache.

11 Rosemary

Rosemary Photo Credit: contrabandbayou

Rosemary can be used to treat dyspepsia and flatulence. It is useful in promoting the digestion of starchy food and vegetables. It can help improve mental fatigue and forgetfulness. Rosemary oil can induce perspiration so it is good to drink with some water when you have colds and chills. The oil also has antibacterial properties. When mixed with water, it can be used as a gargle for sore throats. Rosemary can also rejuvenate the scalp and hair; it can prevent dandruff, and premature baldness.

12 Sage

Sage is considered an anti-aging herb. It can slow down old age, restore energy, sharpen the senses, improve memory, and strengthen the body and limbs. Sage can be useful in coping with stress. It can also be used as a gargle or mouthwash to heal the mouth and throat, as well as clean the teeth and strengthen the gums.

13 Thyme

Thyme is usually used to cure digestive and gastrointestinal ailments such as worms, lack of appetite, and diarrhea. It can also help with laryngitis and bronchial problems. Thyme can be used a mouthwash and skin cleanser due to its antiseptic properties. It also has antifungal properties that make it effective in treating athlete’s foot. Lice, scabies, and crabs don’t stand a chance against it antiparasitic properties.

Herbal remedies are easier and safer on the body than conventional medicines. However, you still have to be careful because they can have adverse side effects. Read the labels and only take the recommended dosage. You can visit an herbalist if you are unsure of anything. If you are currently on any prescription medications, make sure to check with your doctor before using any herbal remedies.

Top Photo Credit: Patent and the Pantry

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