12 Things about Emergency Contraceptives You Should Know ...

By Melanie2 Comments

12 Things about Emergency Contraceptives You Should Know ...

Thanks to the complicated past of Plan B (a very popular emergency contraceptive), there are a lot of misunderstandings and myths about emergency contraceptives. Below, I am going to give you 12 things about emergency contraceptives you should know…


First of all, you should not confuse Plan B or any of the other emergency contraceptives with RU-486, which is used in a medical abortion. They are two different things. RU-486 contacts a synthetic steroid known as mifepristone, which intercepts the body’s production of progesterone, which is necessary for pregnancy. Plan B does not have anything to do with progesterone.

Frequently asked questions


Emergency contraceptives delays or inhibits ovulation. It is effective if the process of implantation has started.


You should only consider emergency contraceptives - in the case of emergencies - as a last resort. This means, you should only turn to it if your standard contraception malfunctions or you have been involved in a nonconsensual intercourse. You should think of emergency contraceptives as a fire extinguisher.


If you take an emergency contraceptive right after sexual intercourse, then it will be more likely to work. This is why women and teens should have an E.C. on hand.


Teenagers need to have a prescription in order to get something such as Plan B. You should consider getting a prescription in advance so it will be available when you need it.


Besides Plan B, another type of emergency contraception is Copper TIUD. This is an intrauterine device that can be implanted five days after you have had sex.


Plan B is two small pills that contain a hormone called levonorgestrel. It is the same hormone that is found in regular birth control pills, except it comes to you in a much stronger dose.


You should take the first pill within seventy two hours after you had sex. I recommend you taking it no more than twenty four hours after and the second pill twelve hours after.


Side effects of certain emergency contraceptives may include abdominal pain, headache, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, menstrual changes, vomiting, dizziness and diarrhea.


Certain emergency contraceptives could bring on your period right away. It affects everyone differently. If you are more than a week late, then you should take a pregnancy test.


In some states, you can get an E.C. such as Plan B over the counter. Call your pharmacy to see if they have it available.


An emergency contraceptive should not take the place of your consistent form of birth control. You should also know that they do not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

With all of the myths out there regarding emergency contraceptives, I felt that it was important to tell you some facts about them. Those facts have been well researched and are not some rubbish that was just dug up.

You should always plan ahead of time. How many of you has had to take an E.C. in the past? What were your side effects? Would you take it again?

Photo Credit: flickr.com

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