10 Sublime Stocking Stuffers

By Lyndsie

10 Sublime Stocking Stuffers

In my house, stockings are a tradition. Since I was a little girl, the first thing I do on Christmas morning is pour out my stocking and open up those gifts first. At the same time, I love stuffing little surprises into the stockings of my loved ones. You can fit so many special little things in there! Here is a list of 10 sublime stocking stuffers that can please your loved ones, but won't cost a lot of money.

1 Chocolate

An oldie but a goody, chocolate in a stocking is always welcome – unless the recipient doesn't like it, of course. Otherwise, go all out, whether it's a small Whitman's Sampler or their favorite candy bar. Go gourmet or make candy yourself to hide in their stockings. Godiva is always a good choice, but then again, so are those delectable Doves.

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2 Hair Accessories

For little girls, teens, and women, hair accessories make great stocking stuffers. You don't really want to stick them under the tree, but they fit perfectly in a stocking, and they are always one of my favorite things. Fancy barrettes, bejeweled bobby pins, or simple scrunchies, they are one of those little gifts that always come in handy.

3 Batteries

This one is just mean. My parents always did this to me, and the Better Half is kept up the tradition. If your kids and/or loved ones always open their stockings first, they're apt to look at you like, “Oh really? Batteries? You know these are worse than clothes, right?” However, what's cool is when they open the present that needs the batteries, and then their eyes light up with glee. Or maybe that's just me.

4 Slippers

The quintessential stocking stuffer, because they are always needed. After all, it's winter, it's cold, tootsies freeze quite easily. Slippers are one of those mundane gifts that are nevertheless special, because they show you are thinking about the recipient's comfort.

5 Socks

Socks are in line with that, but I am not talking about tube socks or something here. I mean fashion socks. Toe socks. Warm socks with those things on the bottom that keep you from slipping on hard floors. Or, again, maybe that's just me.

6 Makeup

I always loved getting makeup in my stocking. I still do. Lipsticks, mascaras, and things like that are perfect stocking gifts, because they are small and, again, you don't necessarily want to wrap them up and put them under the tree. However, if you know a girlfriend, sister, mother, et cetera, is dying for the newest lip stain or eyeshadow, it makes a great stocking surprise!

7 Perfume

Because perfume is small, it fits easily into a stocking. This goes for cologne as well. Wrapping it up is even better, because then it will be hard for the recipient to tell what it is. Perfume is a really personal present, so the surprise of having it in a stocking is always great.

8 Gloves

Everybody needs gloves in the winter, but again, they are both essential and sort of mundane, so you may not want to stick them under the tree. No problem! They fit perfectly in stockings, and always come as a surprise. Arm warmers fit under this category as well.

9 Scarves

Okay, it might be a little harder to fit a scarf in a stocking … but I always manage! I like to make a little display, actually, with the ends of the scarf poking out, because these things are almost impossible to wrap. A gift bag is a possibility, but I think it's way more fun to have it pop out of a stocking.

10 Bubble Bath

Finally, bath products are always a winner. It doesn't necessarily have to be bubble bath, it could instead be bath beads, body wash, LUSH products, or something like that. Again, easy fit in a stocking, great gift idea.

Something tells me my loved ones are going to have overstuffed stockings this year. What are your favorite stocking stuffer treats? What do you like to give, and what do you like to receive?

Top Photo Credit: raisinsawdust

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