What's in Season Corn ...

By partysugar

What's in Season Corn ...

Summer has to be my favorite season in terms of produce. Strawberries, cherries, tomatoes, corn... the list of delicious, ripe fruits and vegetables that can be attained locally at farmer's markets is virtually endless. I've just started to notice the first ears of fresh, crisp corn at the grocers. Corn is a type of grass that dates back over 5000 years. The average ear of corn is 12 to 14 inches in length and contains about 400 kernels arranged in 16 rows. Most of the United State's corn crop comes from corn that is planted in March-July in Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, and Minnesota. The most common type is sweet corn that comes in yellow or white varieties. The kernel color has no affect on the sweetness of the corn.

When purchasing corn look for ears that have fresh, tight, bright green husks. Stay away from those that are yellowed and dried. If you can, peel back the husk a little to check out the ears which should be plump, bright, milky, and well rounded. The silk should not be brittle or brown but soft and moist with a light golden color. Eat your corn as soon as possible to enjoy maximum flavor, as it tastes best right after harvest (when the sugars are still retained). Keep in the fridge with the husks on until ready to consume.

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