
By Gloria


Tip 1: Draw atention to your face & away from
your body with a colorful scarf, it'll do wonders!

Tip 2: Are you built on more stocky lines? Opt
for a monochromatic, or a similar colors color
scheme. This will help to give you a clean, long,
& lean line. Play w/textures to keep it interesting.
Vertical stripes are fine. If you must wear horizontal
stripes, opt for closely spaced narrow stripes. Does
your bust blend into your gut? Try a padded push-up
bra, which can add centimeters, even inches!

Tip 3: What's your body shape? Are you top heavy?
You can visually downplay your bust by wearing
darker colors on top. The opposite is true if you're
bottom heavy (like me).

Tip 4: Color makes a big difference in how you look.
Do you have a rose or blue undertone? You'd look
best in cool colors. If you're yellow or olive, warm tones
are probably best for you. Experiment with colors to
see what works for you. Drape fabrics in various colors
around your neck to see how it looks on you. If you look
sickly or something just doesn't look right, it's not for you.
However, if your face seems lit from within, go for it!

I hope you find these tips helpful, & have fun experimenting!

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