Ta Ta Toosie

By Fashion

Ta Ta Toosie

She may be sassy and dramatic, but I can't deny my adoration for Atoosa. Back when she led Cosmogirl, I bought the mag month after month just for her comical (sometimes intentially, sometimes not) editor's letter. When she moved on and up to Seventeen, I all but through a party. At the time, I was a faithful subscriber to the teen mag and loved the idea of a new, hip editor like Atoosa. I had a few great years with Seventeen under Atoosa's direction, but eventually I grew out of the magazine - the appeal of reading Seventeen magazine fades away by the time you turn eighteen. My interest in the mag was piqued with the debut of Miss Seventeen , the one-season reality show where girls competed for internships under 'Toosie. Through the show, Atoosa became this magazine icon who I couldn't help but look up to. Then, during fashion week, I had the chance to literally look up to her when I spotted her - Louboutin stilettos and all - a few feet away from me. Although I haven't picked up an issue in months, I was shocked to hear that Atoosa announced her departure from the mag today. Although she's been with Hearst more than a decade, Atoosa is still young... I figured she'd stay for eternity, like Anna Wintour at Vogue. All I can say is poor Seventeen... teen mags have a tough time surviving as it is, but with a new editor? Will the magazine be going the direction of Teen People and Ellgirl? -tf [...]

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