Genius 💡 Ways to Get over 🌈 Him 👫 when You Think 💭 You Can't ...

1 / 10

Create a Breakup Playlist

2 / 10

Pick up a Hobby You Used to Love

3 / 10

Sweat It out

4 / 10

Have a Random Hookup

5 / 10

Make Yourself Laugh

6 / 10

Keep Your Dignity

7 / 10

Write Your Feelings down

8 / 10

Start Reading an Amazing Book

9 / 10

Try out a New Look

10 / 10

Buy New Blankets

Wash and donate your couple's blankets to Goodwill or Salvation Army. Buy some blankets that are new and not reminders of all those nights. You will be able to get that much-needed rest now. You are on your way now to getting over your ex. Maybe these are tips you have not thought of. It will take patience and endurance. But you got it girlfriend! Sources
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