10 Practical Tips for a Successful and Easy Delivery ...

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Getting Regular Exercise and Meditation …

Since the first day of your pregnancy, get engaged in regular exercise and meditation. A daily practice of strengthening your body, improving flexibility and circulation, learning how to breathe properly, how to contract and relax your muscles effectively, and how to calm your mind and eliminate stress is imperative in preparing yourself for the coming labour and delivery. Consistent sessions of pregnancy yoga (read our article “Yoga for Pregnant Women”), daily walks in safe and unpolluted areas, quiet contemplation, light gardening, climbing stairs, and swimming are the most recommended activities to build necessary strength and relieve emotional and hormonal tensions, muscle pains, and stress.

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Dealing with Emotional Disturbances, Fears, and Anxiety …

To prevent premature childbirth, learn to ****rid yourself of****anxiety, ****emotional disturbances and fears. Blood vessels of the uterus are extremely sensitive to any stimulations of the sympathetic nervous system. Stress-induced hormones can be involved in triggering early contractions, when the baby is not yet fully formed in your womb. Therefore, learning relaxation techniques, practising regular meditation and positive thinking, and obtaining an encouraging support from your partner, friends, and social circle are crucial for preventing a miscarriage or premature birth. *8 Tips for Pregnant Teens …
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Avoiding Breech Presentation …

To avoid breech presentation, in which the child is oriented feet first, instead of a headfirst position, learn to relieve the tension in the lower area of your body. Breech presentation occurs in about three percent of pregnant women, and this condition almost always requires caesarean section. Women who experience elevated levels of stress, fear, and anxiety during pregnancy tend to be tight in the lower uterine segment. To prevent or correct breech presentation, you can try acupuncture, bio-energetic breathing, hypnosis, or relaxation techniques.

To avoid breech presentation, in which the child is oriented feet first, instead of a headfirst position, learn to relieve the tension in the lower area of your body. Breech presentation occurs in about three percent of pregnant women, and this condition almost always requires caesarean section. Women who experience elevated levels of stress, fear, and anxiety during pregnancy tend to be tight in the lower uterine segment. To prevent or correct breech presentation, you can try acupuncture, bio-energetic breathing, hypnosis, or relaxation techniques.
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Eating a Nutritious, Vitamin-dense Diet …

Getting plenty of essential fats and high-quality animal proteins is a factor that will encourage strong and effective labour, since important amino-acids build up muscle stores necessary for a successful delivery. It is particularly important to ingest adequate amounts of amino-acid l-carnitine from grass-fed red meats and organs, such as beef heart. The need for l-carnitine is increased during the final trimester of pregnancy.
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Taking Time to Choose the Best Possible Place for Your Childbirth …

Plan to deliver your baby in a place where you feel safe, stress-free, well-supported, and secure. While most modern hospitals can offer the highest level of medical support, some women will feel more comfortable giving birth in their familiar home environment, with a help of a skilful doctor or midwife. Family-centered maternity care centers can provide both excellent medical aid and the comforts of home.

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Hiring an Experienced Doula …

Consider hiring an experience, caring doula to “stand by” you during the hours of labour and delivery. The help of such person near you while giving birth cannot be overestimated. Studies show that having a “mothering’ doula in the delivery room greatly diminishes the risks of developing childbirth complications and having caesarean section.

Consider hiring an experience, caring doula to “stand by” you during the hours of labour and delivery. The help of such person near you while giving birth cannot be overestimated. Studies show that having a “mothering’ doula in the delivery room greatly diminishes the risks of developing childbirth complications and having caesarean section.
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Getting a Lot of Electrolytes and Minerals …

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Preventing “sugar Drops” …

To prevent “sugar drops” during labour, consider sipping small amounts of freshly-squeezed fruit juice with a high potassium content, such as orange juice, enriched with amino acid l-glutamine.

To prevent “sugar drops” during labour, consider sipping small amounts of freshly-squeezed fruit juice with a high potassium content, such as orange juice, enriched with amino acid l-glutamine.
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Getting or nor Getting Epidural …

Some obstetricians, such as Dr. Christiane Northrup in her best-selling book Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, discourage women from applying to a help of epidural anaesthesia during labour and delivery. Although this issue is controversial, the argument is that both the full-felt sensations and receptive mode are necessary for the most successful uterine functioning during childbirth. Epidural anaesthesia can completely eliminate the pain of delivery, but it also can prolong labour and trigger some complications, such as maternal fever or the baby turning to a wrong position. In addition, the use of anaesthesia can prevent the release of the “feel-good” neurotransmitter beta-endorphin, which is a natural anaesthetic produced by the woman’s body during and after the childbirth.

Some obstetricians, such as Dr. Christiane Northrup in her best-selling book Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, discourage women from applying to a help of epidural anaesthesia during labour and delivery. Although this issue is controversial, the argument is that both the full-felt sensations and receptive mode are necessary for the most successful uterine functioning during childbirth. Epidural anaesthesia can completely eliminate the pain of delivery, but it also can prolong labour and trigger some complications, such as maternal fever or the baby turning to a wrong position. In addition, the use of anaesthesia can prevent the release of the “feel-good” neurotransmitter beta-endorphin, which is a natural anaesthetic produced by the woman’s body during and after the childbirth.
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Learning to Trust Your Body …

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