7 Freaky and Unexpected Foods That Will Boost Your Beauty ...

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Sea Buckthorn

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Enoki Mushrooms

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Dandelion Greens

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If you’ve seen this strange looking fruit in your produce section lately, but have no earthly idea what it is or what it tastes like, then you’re in luck! This fruit is definitely one to earn your attention and a spot in your grocery cart. Oh, and you’ll love the taste! This green looking, heart-shaped fruit is absolutely delicious, but don’t eat the outside of the fruit! It isn’t edible. Yet, once ripe, the skin will turn brown like an avocado, and you can cut into the soft, creamy flesh inside, which tastes like a mix of a banana and pineapple. It is nicknamed “The Custard Apple” for its creamy texture and sweet flesh. You’ll want to avoid the seeds inside since they don’t tastes too great, but the flesh alone contains more fiber than an apple, with 7 grams in the entire fruit. Plus, it packs 60% of your Vitamin C content and tons of antioxidants to enhance your skin While I love the idea of sticking to the basic health foods like strawberries, kale, sweet potatoes and avocados to get in my beauty boosting nutrients, it never hurts to add a little something special to your routine either. These freaky looking foods are worth giving a try and will definitely change the look of your skin. Have you ever tried any of these foods? Sources: prevention.com, huffingtonpost.com
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