hip2save.com One of my favorite freebie and discount shopping sites is Hip2Save. This site is frequently updated to bring you the latest deals in-store and online. The website is a great resource for printable coupons, recipes, videos and crafts. They also frequently have giveaways with companies as well as their own weekly Amazon gift card giveaway for email newsletter subscribers. Another awesome feature of this site is that they often provide sale scenarios so it gives you ideas on how to take advantage of sales!
heyitsfree.net As you can probably tell by the name, this is a freebie site. You can find a variety of coupons, freebies, samples and some limited time in-store promotions. This is a good way to try new products, get coupons for products you regularly buy and take advantage of their huge list of birthday freebies on your special day. As an added bonus Goob, who runs the site is hilarious and his descriptions are always a blast to read.
ilovefreethings.com This is another fab freebie site where you can find the latest in all things free. You can find offers for free magazines, samples for beauty products, food and household items, contest notices and free codes for Disney Movie Rewards and Pampers Gifts to Grow. They also have a separate blog for bargain hunters in Canada.
budgetsavvydiva.com If there’s a good deal on something, you can count on the Budget Savvy Diva to find it. What makes this discount shopping site unique is that it also offers tips on saving money, DIY craft tutorials, product reviews and lots of mouth-watering recipes. You can find a long list of copycat recipes from your favorite coffee shop or restaurant so you can recreate your favorite drinks and foods on a budget!
freestufftimes.com I’m still new to this freebie site, but from what I can tell it’s another awesome resource for free stuff to bookmark. Find coupons, contests, free Kindle books, movie screenings and a list of weekly drugstore sales. There is also a forum where you can read and post about deals, reviews, contests and even trade coupons.
freestufffinder.com Free Stuff Finder is a popular freebie and discount site and the cool thing about it is that it’s run by thrifty moms in the US, UK and Canada. You can find discounts on things for the family, beauty products, free samples, weekly ad previews, printable coupons and giveaways. If there’s a free item to be had in the US, UK or Canada, you will likely find it here!
iheartthemart.com Do you heart the mart, too? If you’re a frequent shopper at Walmart, don't miss out on this website that helps you maximize your savings at the big box store and beyond. On this site you’ll find an extensive coupon locator, Walmart clearance finds, store policies, a printable list of dollar deals and price match and deal lists for various discount stores and drugstores.
freebieshark.com Freebie Shark is another outstanding website where you can find tons of deals at Amazon, Walmart, Target, major drugstores and restaurants. There is also an informative section that helps explain coupons and how to use them for those who are interested in learning how to coupon. Be sure to check out the Sunday Mail Call page where you can see all the freebies that owner of the site received for the week; it’s pretty impressive!
totallytarget.com For all the diehard Target fans out there, you can find all the latest sales, info on rebates, price cuts with coupon match-ups and cheap finds for your fave shopping spot on this site. There’s also a helpful forum where you can trade coupons, discuss what Catalina coupons you got, share your deals or ask a question. There's lots of information on ways to save at Target as well as other stores. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be the type to use coupons, these money saving blogs offer so many great ways to save and get free stuff, they’re a lot of fun to check out! Do you have any favorite freebie or discount shopping sites?