So What Exactly Did They Launch? the Sony Ericsson Camera Phone round up

By Susi

So What Exactly Did They Launch? the Sony Ericsson Camera Phone round up

Whilst I may have slightly exaggerated when I said that Sony Ericsson launched 9 million phones this morning, there were a fair few, as well as the inevitable accessories. So, what was it all about? Below is the idiots guide, so that you won't look *too* daft when you realise it's all anyone can talk about in the pub.

K810: It's an all-singing, all-dancing Cybershot, which has a 3.2 megapixel camera on it and a Xenon flash. It's not an overwhelming number of pixels, but the SE spokesperson implied there would be developments on this in the not too distant future. It is however, very thin at just 17mm and comes with some nifty things. There's photo editing available on the phone, as well as Best Shot, which allows you to take 10 photos in quick succession and choose the best. There are also some pretty funky shortcut keys which illuminate next to the keypad when you open the shutter. You want more? It's 3G. There. Happy? It's going to be available in blue and ivory in the second quarter of this year.

K550: This is a 2 megapixel camera, with autofocus. It comes fully integrated with Google's Blogger service, so you can moblog with just one hit of the button. There's also a K550im, which supports the iMode service. They'll both be available by March of this year, in black and white for the K550, and just black in the K550im.

K200: It's an entry level camera phone, which they sound like they're pushing in emerging markets such as India and South America.

K220: More of the same, but this time with an FM radio included. Both to be available in the second half of this year.

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