Skin Saviors ...

By Beauty

Skin Saviors ...

You know that time between seasons, when your skin doesn't want to catch up to the fact the temperatures and humidity have changed? And in its stubbornness and resistance to change, it decides to break out? And NO, you haven't changed your skincare routine, or your laundry detergent, and you're not eating weird things, and you're just TOO OLD to be be getting pimples, they should have been left in the past with your retainer and your growth spurts and your mall bangs, and if you see one more annoying commercial for Proactiv you'll just barf...Breathe. Serenity now!And then, when calm has been restored, go look for the All-Over Blemish Solution and the Correct & Perfect Spot Treatment from **MD Skincare by Dr. Dennis Gross**. This is going to be a bit of a lengthy post, because I am really, truly, enthusiastically, impressed with these two products.**All-Over Blemish Solution** contains 2% salicylic acid to treat and prevent blemishes, but what's really impressive are the other ingredients - most notably, silicones and squalane. These add a critically important moisturizing effect - severely lacking in most acne treatments - and the silicones give the product a silky texture and a matte finish. In fact, it is very similar in texture and performance to everyone's favorite **Smashbox foundation primer**. If your skin is prone to blemishes (and unless you're super-sensitive to salicylic acid), you could probably use this product as an everyday primer, or at least on and around your "bad skin days." It's not shiny, cloudy, or prone to flakiness, so it's perfect for use under makeup.**The Correct & Perfect Spot Treatment** is a perfect add-on product for stubborn, existing blemishes. It dries them out with 3.25% sulfur and a little kaolin, but it doesn't have the cakey texture of many similar products. Better yet, it uses farnesol to kill bacteria and some other goodies, like willowherb, to reduce inflammation. The Treatment has a neutral tint to it, so it has a bit of a concealing effect, and won't dry all white and flaky and well, gross.Both of these products are so thoughtfully formulated; they satisfy a specific skincare need without interfering with your makeup, and they act like cosmetics! They're not exactly inexpensive, but I will tell you this in all honesty: they are the best acne-fighting products that I have ever tried. Available at **** and Sephora. [...]

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