Shoulder Pads Are Back? Melanie Griffith Rejoices We Don't

By Kimberley

It is perhaps the most disturbing story I've read this week so far but according to some fashionistas the shoulder pad could soon be making a return. Although a ghastly thought in some ways we can't be too surprised with recent revivals of leggings, one-shoulder tops, footless tights and batwing sleeves becoming fashionable again. I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone thought of bringing back the shoulder pad. But is this prediction a little early? I realise fashion has a tendency to repeat itself but come on people... shoulder pads?!?

Whatever you do just don't shoot the messenger, i.e. us!

Where do fashion commentators get these predictions? From the catwalks of course. At recent shows in London and Paris designers such as Gareth Pugh, Vivienne Westwood and Balenciaga featured shoulder pads throughout their collections, prompting some fashion journos to forecast its return to mainstream fashion. The Daily Mail's Liz Jones believes that this season's hot trend, which will focus on the waist with tailoring and belting will also spur a shoulder pad comeback. "What better way to accentuate its slenderness than with an extra-wide shoulder?" she writes.

Reminiscent of 1980s power dressing, this time around shoulder pads will have a more difficult time as big glossies such as Harper's Bazaar ask whether today's young women will be bought into this rehashed look. "Unlike the generation that beavered away for long hours before them (i.e. mine), these young strumpets, who have probably never ironed a white shirt in their life, don't feel the need for some sort of armour when dealing with men or bossing about other women," said Jones.

A little harsh, in my opinion, I'll have Miss Jones know that I, like most twentysomething women I know, have ironed plenty a shirt in my time. As for shoulder pads being worn as a form of armour to warn off the big bad men... Well, yes times have changed since women felt the need to prove their power via what they wore, if indeed that's what shoulder pads were originally designed to do back in the eighties.

Jones goes onto say that since Sex And The City presented women going to work in a colourful and eccentric wardrobes, today's women feel freer to dress as what they are - women. She questions this by asking - "would you give a business start-up loan to a grown woman in a mini skirt with a bustle made of netting?" Personally, I'm thankful that I don't have to prove myself in the workplace through what I wear. I'm grateful for the roads made by those women before me who took on the men by using their dress as a means to show their worth but our situation has changed now. These days whether it's applying for a job or a business start-up loan women, just like men, are viewed on the same grounds regardless of what they're wearing.

So, will shoulder pads really be making a return? We're not sure but whatever you do just don't shoot the messenger, i.e. us!

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